M-Sys's driver and public driver

Ruslan Satlykov ruslan at mik.ru
Wed Feb 7 13:55:51 EST 2001

DW> Ouch. No clue ATM what's caused that.
OK :)

>> And, can I ask the mailing list? I had downloaded
>> the newest MTD distribution by the CVS, and - how I can add this set
>> to the fresh copy of the linux kernel? Yes, I maked the patch, and
>> what I must t do next? :)) Thank you, Ruslan

DW> Drop the contents of the kernel/ directory over the top of your kernel's 
DW> drivers/mtd directory. Likewise the include/linux/mtd directory.
David, I had copyed it to the named directories, but when a try to
make a kernel (after make menuconfig), I got the messages about
undefined variables DEBUG_LEVEL0, 1, etc... After editing file
drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c (I had replaced DEBUG_LEVEL0 with DEBUG_LEVEL_0,
etc, as declared in linux/mtd/compatmac.h, the problem has been solved...
 And, at the first compilation there was error like
  'linux/compatmac.h': No such file or directory. I had copyed this
  file from linux/mtd to linux include dir, but I'm not sure, that it
  was correct. Is it two different files with one name, placed in the
  differents include directories?

  Thank you,

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