Query regarding Linux Arm pagetable setup

Russell King - ARM Linux linux at armlinux.org.uk
Thu May 5 09:04:57 PDT 2016

On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 04:17:08PM +0530, Dushyant Behl wrote:
> I am looking at the kernel 4.1.0 execution with Arm-v7 architecture
> and LPAE enabled.
> I am not able to understand what is the use of TTBR1 page table mappings.
> The settings in TTBCR register are T0SZ - 0 and T1SZ - 2, which indicate a
> 3G-1G split but if I look at the TTBR1 page table then it doesn't
> contains some of the
> actual required high address (1G range) mappings while they are
> present in the TTBR0 page table.
> Can someone explain how the kernel is using both the TTBR0 and TTBR1
> and how some
> mappings which should've been present in TTBR1 are actually used
> through the TTBR0 register?

Those who know LPAE (or have the documentation to hand) may be able to
answer that better than I can at the moment.

> Also, another thing which I noticed is that kernel is mapping the high
> interrupt vectors (addr 0xFFFF0000) in the user process's page table
> with read only permissions and user bit enabled.
> Can you also explain why kernel is mapping the kernel's pages with the
> user bit?

The vector page is used to provide a set of userspace helpers so that
userspace can be more independent of the CPU than it otherwise would
be - things like a cmpxchg implementation, memory barrier, and a TLS
helper.  You can turn this off, provided you know for certain that
your userspace does not make use of these facilities.

> Also are there any other kernel pages which are marked with similar
> user bit and read only permissions in the pagetables with possible
> aliasing in the kernel's address space too?


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