[PATCH v2 2/4] arm64: dts: ti: Add am62x-phyboard-lyra carrier board

Garrett Giordano ggiordano at phytec.com
Wed Jun 26 08:52:42 PDT 2024

PHYTECs phyBOARD-Lyra carrier board is able to accomidate multiple SoMs.
Refactor k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts into an include file so it can
be reused in combination with our phyCORE-AM62Ax SoM.

Signed-off-by: Garrett Giordano <ggiordano at phytec.com>
  - Reformat patches using -B/-M/-C arguments
 .../dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts     | 501 +-----------------
 ...ra-rdk.dts => k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi} |   8 -
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 491 deletions(-)
 rewrite arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts (96%)
 copy arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/{k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts => k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi} (97%)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts
dissimilarity index 96%
index 50d2573c840e..4fa5efdffcd7 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts
@@ -1,483 +1,18 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR MIT
- * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH
- * Author: Wadim Egorov <w.egorov at phytec.de>
- *
- * Product homepage:
- * https://www.phytec.com/product/phyboard-am62x
- */
-#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
-#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
-#include <dt-bindings/leds/common.h>
-#include <dt-bindings/net/ti-dp83867.h>
-#include "k3-am625.dtsi"
-#include "k3-am62-phycore-som.dtsi"
-/ {
-	compatible = "phytec,am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk",
-		     "phytec,am62-phycore-som", "ti,am625";
-	model = "PHYTEC phyBOARD-Lyra AM625";
-	aliases {
-		serial2 = &main_uart0;
-		serial3 = &main_uart1;
-		mmc1 = &sdhci1;
-		usb0 = &usb0;
-		usb1 = &usb1;
-		ethernet1 = &cpsw_port2;
-	};
-	can_tc1: can-phy0 {
-		compatible = "ti,tcan1042";
-		#phy-cells = <0>;
-		max-bitrate = <8000000>;
-		standby-gpios = <&gpio_exp 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-	};
-	hdmi0: connector-hdmi {
-		compatible = "hdmi-connector";
-		label = "hdmi";
-		type = "a";
-		port {
-			hdmi_connector_in: endpoint {
-				remote-endpoint = <&sii9022_out>;
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	keys {
-		compatible = "gpio-keys";
-		autorepeat;
-		pinctrl-names = "default";
-		pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_keys_pins_default>;
-		key-home {
-			label = "home";
-			linux,code = <KEY_HOME>;
-			gpios = <&main_gpio1 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-		};
-		key-menu {
-			label = "menu";
-			linux,code = <KEY_MENU>;
-			gpios = <&gpio_exp 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-		};
-	};
-	sound {
-		compatible = "simple-audio-card";
-		simple-audio-card,name = "phyBOARD-Lyra";
-		simple-audio-card,widgets =
-			"Microphone",           "Mic Jack",
-			"Headphone",            "Headphone Jack",
-			"Speaker",              "External Speaker";
-		simple-audio-card,routing =
-			"MIC3R",                "Mic Jack",
-			"Mic Jack",             "Mic Bias",
-			"Headphone Jack",       "HPLOUT",
-			"Headphone Jack",       "HPROUT",
-			"External Speaker",     "SPOP",
-			"External Speaker",     "SPOM";
-		simple-audio-card,format = "dsp_b";
-		simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&sound_master>;
-		simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&sound_master>;
-		simple-audio-card,bitclock-inversion;
-		simple-audio-card,cpu {
-			sound-dai = <&mcasp2>;
-		};
-		sound_master: simple-audio-card,codec {
-				sound-dai = <&audio_codec>;
-				clocks = <&audio_refclk1>;
-		};
-	};
-	leds {
-		compatible = "gpio-leds";
-		pinctrl-names = "default";
-		pinctrl-0 = <&leds_pins_default>, <&user_leds_pins_default>;
-		led-1 {
-			gpios = <&main_gpio0 32 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0";
-		};
-		led-2 {
-			gpios = <&gpio_exp 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-			linux,default-trigger = "mmc1";
-		};
-	};
-	vcc_1v8: regulator-vcc-1v8 {
-		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
-		regulator-name = "VCC_1V8";
-		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
-		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
-		regulator-always-on;
-		regulator-boot-on;
-	};
-	vcc_3v3_mmc: regulator-vcc-3v3-mmc {
-		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
-		regulator-name = "VCC_3V3_MMC";
-		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
-		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
-		regulator-always-on;
-		regulator-boot-on;
-	};
-	vcc_3v3_sw: regulator-vcc-3v3-sw {
-		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
-		regulator-name = "VCC_3V3_SW";
-		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
-		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
-		regulator-always-on;
-		regulator-boot-on;
-	};
-&main_pmx0 {
-	audio_ext_refclk1_pins_default: audio-ext-refclk1-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0a0, PIN_OUTPUT, 1) /* (K25) GPMC0_WPn.AUDIO_EXT_REFCLK1 */
-		>;
-	};
-	gpio_keys_pins_default: gpio-keys-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1d4, PIN_INPUT, 7) /* (B15) UART0_RTSn.GPIO1_23 */
-		>;
-	};
-	gpio_exp_int_pins_default: gpio-exp-int-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x244, PIN_INPUT, 7) /* (C17) MMC1_SDWP.GPIO1_49 */
-		>;
-	};
-	hdmi_int_pins_default: hdmi-int-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x040, PIN_INPUT, 7) /* (N23) GPMC0_AD1.GPIO0_16 */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_dss0_pins_default: main-dss0-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0b8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (U22) VOUT0_DATA0 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0bc, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (V24) VOUT0_DATA1 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0e0, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (V20) VOUT0_DATA10 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0e4, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA23) VOUT0_DATA11 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0e8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AB25) VOUT0_DATA12 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0ec, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA24) VOUT0_DATA13 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0f0, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y22) VOUT0_DATA14 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0f4, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA21) VOUT0_DATA15 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0c0, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (W25) VOUT0_DATA2 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0c4, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (W24) VOUT0_DATA3 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0c8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y25) VOUT0_DATA4 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0cc, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y24) VOUT0_DATA5 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0d0, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y23) VOUT0_DATA6 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0d4, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA25) VOUT0_DATA7 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0d8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (V21) VOUT0_DATA8 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0dc, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (W21) VOUT0_DATA9 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0fc, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y20) VOUT0_DE */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x0f8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AB24) VOUT0_HSYNC */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x104, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AC24) VOUT0_PCLK */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x100, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AC25) VOUT0_VSYNC */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_i2c1_pins_default: main-i2c1-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1e8, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (B17) I2C1_SCL */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1ec, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (A17) I2C1_SDA */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_mcan0_pins_default: main-mcan0-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1dc, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (E15) MCAN0_RX */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1d8, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (C15) MCAN0_TX */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_mcasp2_pins_default: main-mcasp2-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x070, PIN_INPUT, 3) /* (T24) GPMC0_AD13.MCASP2_ACLKX */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x06c, PIN_INPUT, 3) /* (T22) GPMC0_AD12.MCASP2_AFSX */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x064, PIN_OUTPUT, 3) /* (T25) GPMC0_AD10.MCASP2_AXR2 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x068, PIN_INPUT, 3) /* (R21) GPMC0_AD11.MCASP2_AXR3 */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_mmc1_pins_default: main-mmc1-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x23c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (A21) MMC1_CMD */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x234, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN, 0) /* (B22) MMC1_CLK */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x230, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (A22) MMC1_DAT0 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x22c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (B21) MMC1_DAT1 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x228, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (C21) MMC1_DAT2 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x224, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (D22) MMC1_DAT3 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x240, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP, 0) /* (D17) MMC1_SDCD */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_rgmii2_pins_default: main-rgmii2-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x184, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AE23) RGMII2_RD0 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x188, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AB20) RGMII2_RD1 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x18c, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AC21) RGMII2_RD2 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x190, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AE22) RGMII2_RD3 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x180, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AD23) RGMII2_RXC */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x17c, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (AD22) RGMII2_RX_CTL */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x16c, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (Y18) RGMII2_TD0 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x170, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA18) RGMII2_TD1 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x174, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AD21) RGMII2_TD2 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x178, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AC20) RGMII2_TD3 */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x168, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AE21) RGMII2_TXC */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x164, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (AA19) RGMII2_TX_CTL */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_uart0_pins_default: main-uart0-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1c8, PIN_INPUT, 0) /* (D14) UART0_RXD */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1cc, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (E14) UART0_TXD */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_uart1_pins_default: main-uart1-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x194, PIN_INPUT, 2) /* (B19) MCASP0_AXR3.UART1_CTSn */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x198, PIN_OUTPUT, 2) /* (A19) MCASP0_AXR2.UART1_RTSn */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1ac, PIN_INPUT, 2) /* (E19) MCASP0_AFSR.UART1_RXD */
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x1b0, PIN_OUTPUT, 2) /* (A20) MCASP0_ACLKR.UART1_TXD */
-		>;
-	};
-	main_usb1_pins_default: main-usb1-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x258, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (F18) USB1_DRVVBUS */
-		>;
-	};
-	user_leds_pins_default: user-leds-default-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM62X_IOPAD(0x084, PIN_OUTPUT, 7) /* (L23) GPMC0_ADVn_ALE.GPIO0_32 */
-		>;
-	};
-&cpsw3g {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_rgmii1_pins_default>, <&main_rgmii2_pins_default>;
-&cpsw_port2 {
-	phy-mode = "rgmii-rxid";
-	phy-handle = <&cpsw3g_phy3>;
-&cpsw3g_mdio {
-	cpsw3g_phy3: ethernet-phy at 3 {
-		compatible = "ethernet-phy-id2000.a231", "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22";
-		reg = <3>;
-		ti,clk-output-sel = <DP83867_CLK_O_SEL_OFF>;
-		ti,rx-internal-delay = <DP83867_RGMIIDCTL_2_00_NS>;
-		ti,fifo-depth = <DP83867_PHYCR_FIFO_DEPTH_4_B_NIB>;
-	};
-&dss {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_dss0_pins_default>;
-	status = "okay";
-&dss_ports {
-	#address-cells = <1>;
-	#size-cells = <0>;
-	/* VP2: DPI/HDMI Output */
-	port at 1 {
-		reg = <1>;
-		dpi1_out: endpoint {
-			remote-endpoint = <&sii9022_in>;
-		};
-	};
-&main_i2c1 {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_i2c1_pins_default>;
-	clock-frequency = <100000>;
-	status = "okay";
-	audio_codec: audio-codec at 18 {
-		pinctrl-names = "default";
-		pinctrl-0 = <&audio_ext_refclk1_pins_default>;
-		#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
-		compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3007";
-		reg = <0x18>;
-		ai3x-micbias-vg = <2>;
-		AVDD-supply = <&vcc_3v3_sw>;
-		IOVDD-supply = <&vcc_3v3_sw>;
-		DRVDD-supply = <&vcc_3v3_sw>;
-		DVDD-supply = <&vcc_1v8>;
-	};
-	gpio_exp: gpio-expander at 21 {
-		pinctrl-names = "default";
-		pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_exp_int_pins_default>;
-		compatible = "nxp,pcf8574";
-		reg = <0x21>;
-		interrupt-parent = <&main_gpio1>;
-		interrupts = <49 0>;
-		#gpio-cells = <2>;
-		gpio-controller;
-		interrupt-controller;
-		#interrupt-cells = <2>;
-		gpio-line-names = "", "GPIO1_CAN0_nEN",
-				  "GPIO2_LED2", "GPIO3_LVDS_GPIO",
-				  "GPIO4_BUT2", "GPIO5_LVDS_BKLT_EN",
-	};
-	usb-pd at 22 {
-		compatible = "ti,tps6598x";
-		reg = <0x22>;
-		connector {
-			compatible = "usb-c-connector";
-			label = "USB-C";
-			self-powered;
-			data-role = "dual";
-			power-role = "sink";
-			port {
-				usb_con_hs: endpoint {
-					remote-endpoint = <&typec_hs>;
-				};
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	sii9022: bridge-hdmi at 39 {
-		compatible = "sil,sii9022";
-		reg = <0x39>;
-		interrupt-parent = <&main_gpio0>;
-		interrupts = <16 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
-		pinctrl-names = "default";
-		pinctrl-0 = <&hdmi_int_pins_default>;
-		ports {
-			#address-cells = <1>;
-			#size-cells = <0>;
-			port at 0 {
-				reg = <0>;
-				sii9022_in: endpoint {
-					remote-endpoint = <&dpi1_out>;
-				};
-			};
-			port at 1 {
-				reg = <1>;
-				sii9022_out: endpoint {
-					remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_connector_in>;
-				};
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	eeprom at 51 {
-		compatible = "atmel,24c02";
-		pagesize = <16>;
-		reg = <0x51>;
-	};
-&main_mcan0 {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_mcan0_pins_default>;
-	phys = <&can_tc1>;
-	status = "okay";
-&main_uart0 {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_uart0_pins_default>;
-	status = "okay";
-&main_uart1 {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_uart1_pins_default>;
-	/* Main UART1 may be used by TIFS firmware */
-	status = "okay";
-&mcasp2 {
-	#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_mcasp2_pins_default>;
-	op-mode = <0>;
-	tdm-slots = <2>;
-	/* 0: INACTIVE, 1: TX, 2: RX */
-	serial-dir = <
-			0 0 1 2
-			0 0 0 0
-			0 0 0 0
-			0 0 0 0
-	>;
-	tx-num-evt = <32>;
-	rx-num-evt = <32>;
-	status = "okay";
-&sdhci1 {
-	vmmc-supply = <&vcc_3v3_mmc>;
-	vqmmc-supply = <&vddshv5_sdio>;
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_mmc1_pins_default>;
-	disable-wp;
-	no-1-8-v;
-	status = "okay";
-&usbss0 {
-	ti,vbus-divider;
-	status = "okay";
-&usbss1 {
-	ti,vbus-divider;
-	status = "okay";
-&usb0 {
-	usb-role-switch;
-	port {
-		typec_hs: endpoint {
-			remote-endpoint = <&usb_con_hs>;
-		};
-	};
-&usb1 {
-	dr_mode = "host";
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&main_usb1_pins_default>;
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR MIT
+ * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH
+ * Author: Wadim Egorov <w.egorov at phytec.de>
+ *
+ * Product homepage:
+ * https://www.phytec.com/product/phyboard-am62x
+ */
+#include "k3-am625.dtsi"
+#include "k3-am62-phycore-som.dtsi"
+#include "k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi"
+/ {
+	compatible = "phytec,am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk",
+		     "phytec,am62-phycore-som", "ti,am625";
+	model = "PHYTEC phyBOARD-Lyra AM625";
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi
similarity index 97%
copy from arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts
copy to arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi
index 50d2573c840e..e4633af87eb9 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am62x-phyboard-lyra.dtsi
@@ -3,22 +3,14 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH
  * Author: Wadim Egorov <w.egorov at phytec.de>
- * Product homepage:
- * https://www.phytec.com/product/phyboard-am62x

 #include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/leds/common.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/net/ti-dp83867.h>
-#include "k3-am625.dtsi"
-#include "k3-am62-phycore-som.dtsi"

 / {
-	compatible = "phytec,am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk",
-		     "phytec,am62-phycore-som", "ti,am625";
-	model = "PHYTEC phyBOARD-Lyra AM625";
 	aliases {
 		serial2 = &main_uart0;
 		serial3 = &main_uart1;

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