[PATCH 0/5] firmware: arm_ffa: Few updates and fixes

Sudeep Holla sudeep.holla at arm.com
Tue Dec 24 05:57:47 PST 2024

This set of updates fixes big-endian support in couple of functions:
__ffa_partition_info_regs_get() and __ffa_partition_info_get().
Big-endian support is still not complete. Only these changes can be
verified at the moment without any additional application or testing
support changes.

It also fixes the mis-alignment with sync_send_receive{,2} function

It replaces UUID buffer to standard UUID format in the ffa_partition_info
structure and fixes a typo in some FF-A bus macros

Signed-off-by: Sudeep Holla <sudeep.holla at arm.com>
Sudeep Holla (5):
      firmware: arm_ffa: Replace SCMI by FF-A in the macro
      firmware: arm_ffa: Replace UUID buffer to standard UUID format
      firmware: arm_ffa: Align sync_send_receive{,2} function prototypes
      firmware: arm_ffa: Fix big-endian support in __ffa_partition_info_get()
      firmware: arm_ffa: Fix big-endian support in __ffa_partition_info_regs_get()

 drivers/firmware/arm_ffa/bus.c    | 10 +++-----
 drivers/firmware/arm_ffa/driver.c | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 include/linux/arm_ffa.h           |  4 +--
 3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
base-commit: f07044dd0df0c9d0ad177c3098b62ccddb735a2d
change-id: 20241224-ffa_updates-106fd3df93d5

Best regards,

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