[PATCH v6 1/7] drm: atmel-hlcdc: add flag and driver ops to differentiate XLCDC and HLCDC IP

claudiu beznea claudiu.beznea at tuxon.dev
Tue Oct 3 05:16:03 PDT 2023

On 03.10.2023 07:18, Manikandan.M at microchip.com wrote:
> On 28/09/23 11:31 am, claudiu beznea wrote:
>> EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe
>> Hi, Manikandan,
>> On 27.09.2023 12:47, Manikandan Muralidharan wrote:
>>> +void atmel_hlcdc_plane_setup_scaler(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                                 struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state);
>>> +void atmel_xlcdc_plane_setup_scaler(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                                 struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state);
>>> +void update_hlcdc_buffers(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                       struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state,
>>> +                       u32 sr, int i);
>>> +void update_xlcdc_buffers(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                       struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state,
>>> +                       u32 sr, int i);
>>> +void hlcdc_atomic_disable(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane);
>>> +void xlcdc_atomic_disable(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane);
>>> +void
>>> +atmel_hlcdc_plane_update_general_settings(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                                       struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state);
>>> +void
>>> +atmel_xlcdc_plane_update_general_settings(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                                       struct atmel_hlcdc_plane_state *state);
>>> +void hlcdc_atomic_update(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                      struct atmel_hlcdc_dc *dc);
>>> +void xlcdc_atomic_update(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                      struct atmel_hlcdc_dc *dc);
>>> +void hlcdc_csc_init(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                 const struct atmel_hlcdc_layer_desc *desc);
>>> +void xlcdc_csc_init(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                 const struct atmel_hlcdc_layer_desc *desc);
>>> +void hlcdc_irq_dbg(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                const struct atmel_hlcdc_layer_desc *desc);
>>> +void xlcdc_irq_dbg(struct atmel_hlcdc_plane *plane,
>>> +                const struct atmel_hlcdc_layer_desc *desc);
>>> +
>> These are still here... Isn't the solution I proposed to you in the
>> previous version good enough?
> Hi Claudiu
> These changes were integrated in the current patch set based on the 
> solution which you proposed in the previous series.
> The XLCDC and HLCDC functions calls are moved to IP specific driver->ops
> and their function declarations are made here in atmel_hlcdc_dc.h
> Rest of the changes are integrated in Patch 4/7.

I still think (and I've checked it last time) you can remove these
declaration. See comment from previous version:

"You can get rid of these and keep the function definitions static to
atmel_hlcdc_plane.c if you define struct atmel_lcdc_dc_ops objects directly
to atmel_hlcdc_plane.c. In atmel_hlcdc_dc.c you can have something like:

extern const struct atmel_lcdc_dc_ops  atmel_hlcdc_ops;
extern const struct atmel_lcdc_dc_ops  atmel_xlcdc_ops;

>> Thank you,
>> Claudiu Beznea

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