[PATCH RFC 4/9] perf jevents: Add sys_events_find_events_table()

John Garry john.g.garry at oracle.com
Tue Jul 18 02:32:14 PDT 2023

On 17/07/2023 22:39, Ian Rogers wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 12:41 AM John Garry<john.g.garry at oracle.com>  wrote:
>> On 14/07/2023 16:55, Ian Rogers wrote:
>>> In this
>>> series my main concern was in the changes of the event lookup and
>>> having implied PMUs. You mentioned doing these changes so I was
>>> waiting for a v2.
>> OK, fine, I can look to do this now.

I was thinking about this a little further. So you suggest that the 
metric expression contains PMU name per term, like 
"cpu_atom at instructions@ / cpu_atom at cycles@" - how would/could this work 
for PMUs with more complex naming, like the form hisi_siclXXX_cpa_YYY? 
Would we use the "Unit" expression for the metric name, like 
"@hisi_sicl,cpa at event_foo"?

>> BTW, which git repo/branch do you guys use for dev? I thought that it
>> would be acme git, but Namhyung says "We moved to new repos from acme to
>> perf/perf-tools and perf/perf-tools-next" - where is repo "perf"?
> Current development is here now:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/perf/perf-tools-next.git/log/?h=perf-tools-next__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!OQDHOClSjd6nVZhmgzrK3RwzXuQpP54QhqyIKpITa_MFD4PLdS7yPYSnvInFja9nrFx9Sd-UnlsJ6XUqAh4$  

Can that be added to the MAINTAINERS file? I suppose it is ok under 
"PERFORMANCE EVENTS SUBSYTEM", since the two would-be git repos listed 
under that same entry would be pretty obvious in purpose.


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