[PATCH net 0/1] Prevent DSA tags from breaking COE

Vladimir Oltean olteanv at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 05:46:43 PST 2023

On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 10:22:21AM -0300, Lucas Pereira wrote:
> Dear community collaborators,
> First of all, I would like to thank you for the prompt response and
> the suggestions provided.
> We conducted the tests as indicated, but unfortunately, the problem
> persists. It seems to me that if it were a Checksum-related issue, the
> behavior would be different, as the VPN and communication work
> normally for several days before failing suddenly.
> We have observed that the only effective ways to reestablish
> communication, so far, are through a system reboot or by changing the
> authentication cipher, such as switching from MD5 to SHA1.
> Interestingly, when switching back to the MD5 cipher, the
> communication fails to function again.
> I am immensely grateful for the help received so far and would greatly
> appreciate any further suggestions or recommendations that you might
> offer to resolve this challenge.
> Sincerely,
> Lucas

Are you responding to the right thread? This is about on-board Ethernet
switch chips attached to Synopsys MAC hardware IPs.

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