[PATCH 2/3] arm64: Update copy_to_user()

Robin Murphy robin.murphy at arm.com
Wed Sep 28 04:58:52 PDT 2022

As with its counterpart, replace copy_to_user() with a new and improved
version similarly derived from memcpy(). Different tradeoffs from the
base implementation are made relative to copy_from_user() to get the
most consistent results across different microarchitectures, but the
overall shape of the performance gain ends up about the same.

The exception fixups are even more comical this time around, but that's
down to now needing to reconstruct the faulting address, and cope with
overlapping stores at various points. Again, improvements to the
exception mechanism could significantly simplify things in future.

Signed-off-by: Robin Murphy <robin.murphy at arm.com>
 arch/arm64/lib/copy_to_user.S | 391 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 341 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/lib/copy_to_user.S b/arch/arm64/lib/copy_to_user.S
index 802231772608..b641f00f50d6 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/lib/copy_to_user.S
+++ b/arch/arm64/lib/copy_to_user.S
@@ -1,73 +1,364 @@
 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Ltd.
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2022, Arm Limited.
 #include <linux/linkage.h>
 #include <asm/asm-uaccess.h>
 #include <asm/assembler.h>
-#include <asm/cache.h>
+/* Assumptions:
+ *
+ * ARMv8-a, AArch64, unaligned accesses.
+ *
+ */
+#define L(label) .L ## label
+#define dstin	x0
+#define src	x1
+#define count	x2
+#define dst	x3
+#define srcend	x4
+#define dstend	x5
+#define A_l	x6
+#define A_lw	w6
+#define A_h	x7
+#define B_l	x8
+#define B_lw	w8
+#define B_h	x9
+#define C_l	x10
+#define C_lw	w10
+#define C_h	x11
+#define D_l	x12
+#define D_h	x13
+#define E_l	x14
+#define E_h	x15
+#define F_l	x16
+#define F_h	x17
+#define tmp1	x14
- * Copy to user space from a kernel buffer (alignment handled by the hardware)
+ * Derived from memcpy with various adjustments:
- * Parameters:
- *	x0 - to
- *	x1 - from
- *	x2 - n
- * Returns:
- *	x0 - bytes not copied
+ * - memmove parts are removed since user and kernel pointers won't overlap.
+ * - Contrary to copy_from_user, although big cores still aren't particularly
+ *   keen on the increased instruction count in the main loop, processing fewer
+ *   than 64 bytes per iteration here hurts little cores more.
+ * - The medium-size cases are reworked to better balance the loads with the
+ *   doubled-up store ops, avoid potential out-of-sequence faults, and preserve
+ *   the input arguments for the sake of fault handling.
+ * - The 0-3 byte sequence is replaced with the one borrowed from clear_user,
+ *   since STTRB lacks a register-offset addressing mode.
-	.macro ldrb1 reg, ptr, val
-	ldrb  \reg, [\ptr], \val
-	.endm
-	.macro strb1 reg, ptr, val
-	user_ldst 9998f, sttrb, \reg, \ptr, \val
-	.endm
+#define U_pre(x...)	USER(L(fixup_pre), x)
+#define U_dst(x...)	USER(L(fixup_dst), x)
-	.macro ldrh1 reg, ptr, val
-	ldrh  \reg, [\ptr], \val
-	.endm
+#define U_S1(x...)	USER(L(fixup_s1), x)
+#define U_S4(x...)	USER(L(fixup_s4), x)
+#define U_S8(x...)	USER(L(fixup_s8), x)
+#define U_ST8(x...)	USER(L(fixup_st8), x)
+#define U_S16(x...)	USER(L(fixup_s16), x)
+#define U_M24(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m24), x)
+#define U_M32(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m32), x)
+#define U_M40(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m40), x)
+#define U_M48(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m48), x)
+#define U_M56(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m56), x)
+#define U_M64(x...)	USER(L(fixup_m64), x)
+#define U_MT8(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt8), x)
+#define U_MT16(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt16), x)
+#define U_MT24(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt24), x)
+#define U_MT32(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt32), x)
+#define U_MT40(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt40), x)
+#define U_MT48(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt48), x)
+#define U_MT56(x...)	USER(L(fixup_mt56), x)
-	.macro strh1 reg, ptr, val
-	user_ldst 9997f, sttrh, \reg, \ptr, \val
-	.endm
+#define U_L16(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l16), x)
+#define U_L24(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l24), x)
+#define U_L32(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l32), x)
+#define U_L40(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l40), x)
+#define U_L48(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l48), x)
+#define U_L56(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l56), x)
+#define U_L64(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l64), x)
+#define U_L72(x...)	USER(L(fixup_l72), x)
+#define U_LT8(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt8), x)
+#define U_LT16(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt16), x)
+#define U_LT24(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt24), x)
+#define U_LT32(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt32), x)
+#define U_LT40(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt40), x)
+#define U_LT48(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt48), x)
+#define U_LT56(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt56), x)
+#define U_LT64(x...)	USER(L(fixup_lt64), x)
-	.macro ldr1 reg, ptr, val
-	ldr \reg, [\ptr], \val
-	.endm
-	.macro str1 reg, ptr, val
-	user_ldst 9997f, sttr, \reg, \ptr, \val
-	.endm
-	.macro ldp1 reg1, reg2, ptr, val
-	ldp \reg1, \reg2, [\ptr], \val
-	.endm
-	.macro stp1 reg1, reg2, ptr, val
-	user_stp 9997f, \reg1, \reg2, \ptr, \val
-	.endm
-end	.req	x5
-srcin	.req	x15
-	add	end, x0, x2
-	mov	srcin, x1
-#include "copy_template.S"
+	add	srcend, src, count
+	add	dstend, dstin, count
+	cmp	count, 128
+	b.hi	L(copy_long)
+	cmp	count, 32
+	b.hi	L(copy32_128)
+	/* Small copies: 0..32 bytes.  */
+	cmp	count, 16
+	b.lo	L(copy16)
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [src]
+	ldp	D_l, D_h, [srcend, -16]
+U_pre(	sttr	A_l, [dstin])
+U_S8(	sttr	A_h, [dstin, 8])
+U_S16(	sttr	D_l, [dstend, -16])
+U_ST8(	sttr	D_h, [dstend, -8])
 	mov	x0, #0
-	// Exception fixups
-9997:	cmp	dst, dstin
-	b.ne	9998f
-	// Before being absolutely sure we couldn't copy anything, try harder
-	ldrb	tmp1w, [srcin]
-USER(9998f, sttrb tmp1w, [dst])
-	add	dst, dst, #1
-9998:	sub	x0, end, dst			// bytes not copied
+	/* Copy 8-15 bytes.  */
+	tbz	count, 3, L(copy8)
+	ldr	A_l, [src]
+	ldr	A_h, [srcend, -8]
+U_pre(	sttr	A_l, [dstin])
+U_S8(	sttr	A_h, [dstend, -8])
+	mov	x0, #0
+	.p2align 3
+	/* Copy 4-7 bytes.  */
+	tbz	count, 2, L(copy4)
+	ldr	A_lw, [src]
+	ldr	B_lw, [srcend, -4]
+U_pre(	sttr	A_lw, [dstin])
+U_S4(	sttr	B_lw, [dstend, -4])
+	mov	x0, #0
+	ret
+	/* Copy 0..3 bytes.  */
+	tbz	count, #1, L(copy1)
+	ldrh	A_lw, [src]
+U_pre(	sttrh	A_lw, [dstin])
+	tbz	count, #0, L(copy0)
+	ldrb	A_lw, [srcend, -1]
+U_S1(	sttrb	A_lw, [dstend, -1])
+	mov	x0, #0
+	ret
+	.p2align 4
+	/* Medium copies: 33..128 bytes.  */
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [src]
+	ldp	B_l, B_h, [src, 16]
+U_pre(	sttr	A_l, [dstin])
+U_S8(	sttr	A_h, [dstin, 8])
+U_S16(	sttr	B_l, [dstin, 16])
+U_M24(	sttr	B_h, [dstin, 24])
+	ldp	C_l, C_h, [srcend, -32]
+	ldp	D_l, D_h, [srcend, -16]
+	cmp	count, 64
+	b.ls	L(copy64)
+	ldp	E_l, E_h, [src, 32]
+	ldp	F_l, F_h, [src, 48]
+U_M32(	sttr	E_l, [dstin, 32])
+U_M40(	sttr	E_h, [dstin, 40])
+U_M48(	sttr	F_l, [dstin, 48])
+U_M56(	sttr	F_h, [dstin, 56])
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [srcend, -64]
+	ldp	B_l, B_h, [srcend, -48]
+U_M64(	sttr	A_l, [dstend, -64])
+U_MT56(	sttr	A_h, [dstend, -56])
+U_MT48(	sttr	B_l, [dstend, -48])
+U_MT40(	sttr	B_h, [dstend, -40])
+U_MT32(	sttr	C_l, [dstend, -32])
+U_MT24(	sttr	C_h, [dstend, -24])
+U_MT16(	sttr	D_l, [dstend, -16])
+U_MT8(	sttr	D_h, [dstend, -8])
+	mov	x0, #0
+	ret
+	.p2align 4
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	/* Copy more than 128 bytes.  */
+	/* Copy 16 bytes and then align dst to 16-byte alignment.  */
+	ldp	D_l, D_h, [src]
+	and	tmp1, dstin, 15
+	bic	dst, dstin, 15
+	sub	src, src, tmp1
+	add	count, count, tmp1	/* Count is now 16 too large.  */
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [src, 16]
+U_pre(	sttr	D_l, [dstin])
+U_S8(	sttr	D_h, [dstin, 8])
+	ldp	B_l, B_h, [src, 32]
+	ldp	C_l, C_h, [src, 48]
+	ldp	D_l, D_h, [src, 64]!
+	subs	count, count, 128 + 16	/* Test and readjust count.  */
+	b.ls	L(copy64_from_end)
+U_L16(	sttr	A_l, [dst, 16])
+U_L24(	sttr	A_h, [dst, 24])
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [src, 16]
+U_L32(	sttr	B_l, [dst, 32])
+U_L40(	sttr	B_h, [dst, 40])
+	ldp	B_l, B_h, [src, 32]
+U_L48(	sttr	C_l, [dst, 48])
+U_L56(	sttr	C_h, [dst, 56])
+	ldp	C_l, C_h, [src, 48]
+U_L64(	sttr	D_l, [dst, 64])
+U_L72(	sttr	D_h, [dst, 72])
+	add	dst, dst, #64
+	ldp	D_l, D_h, [src, 64]!
+	subs	count, count, 64
+	b.hi	L(loop64)
+	/* Write the last iteration and copy 64 bytes from the end.  */
+	ldp	E_l, E_h, [srcend, -64]
+U_L16(	sttr	A_l, [dst, 16])
+U_L24(	sttr	A_h, [dst, 24])
+	ldp	A_l, A_h, [srcend, -48]
+U_L32(	sttr	B_l, [dst, 32])
+U_L40(	sttr	B_h, [dst, 40])
+	ldp	B_l, B_h, [srcend, -32]
+U_L48(	sttr	C_l, [dst, 48])
+U_L56(	sttr	C_h, [dst, 56])
+	ldp	C_l, C_h, [srcend, -16]
+U_L64(	sttr	D_l, [dst, 64])
+U_L72(	sttr	D_h, [dst, 72])
+U_LT64(	sttr	E_l, [dstend, -64])
+U_LT56(	sttr	E_h, [dstend, -56])
+U_LT48(	sttr	A_l, [dstend, -48])
+U_LT40(	sttr	A_h, [dstend, -40])
+U_LT32(	sttr	B_l, [dstend, -32])
+U_LT24(	sttr	B_h, [dstend, -24])
+U_LT16(	sttr	C_l, [dstend, -16])
+U_LT8(	sttr	C_h, [dstend, -8])
+	mov	x0, #0
+	ret
+	/* Fixups... */
+	/*
+	 * Fault on the first write, but progress may have been possible;
+	 * realign dst and retry a single byte to confirm.
+	 */
+	mov	dst, dstin
+U_dst(	ldtrb	A_lw, [src])
+	strb	A_lw, [dst], #1
+	sub	x0, dstend, dst
+	ret
+	/* Small: Fault with 1 byte remaining, regardless of count */
+	mov	x0, #1
+	ret
+	/* Small tail case: Fault 8 bytes before dstend, >=16 bytes written */
+	sub	dst, dstend, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #16
+	cmp	dst, dstin
+	csel	dst, dst, dstin, hi
+	b	L(fixup_dst)
+	/* Small/medium: Faults n bytes past dtsin, that much written */
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #8
+	add	dstin, dstin, #4
+	add	dst, dstin, #4
+	b	L(fixup_dst)
+	/*
+	 * Medium tail cases: Faults n bytes before dstend, 64 or 32 bytes
+	 * past dstin written, depending on original count
+	 */
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	add	count, count, #8
+	add	dst, dstin, count
+	sub	tmp1, dstend, dstin
+	cmp	tmp1, #64
+	add	tmp1, dstin, #64
+	add	dstin, dstin, #32
+	csel	dstin, dstin, tmp1, ls
+	b	L(fixup_tail)
+	/* Large: Faults n bytes past dst, at least 16 bytes past dstin written */
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #8
+	add	dst, dst, #16
+	add	dstin, dstin, #16
+	b	L(fixup_tail)
+	/* Large tail: Faults n bytes before dstend, 80 bytes past dst written */
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	sub	count, count, #8
+	add	count, count, #56	/* Count was also off by 64 */
+	add	dstin, dst, #80
+	add	dst, dst, count
+	b	L(fixup_tail)

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