5.10 LTS Kernel: 2 or 6 years?

Scott Branden scott.branden at broadcom.com
Mon Jan 25 14:55:11 EST 2021

Hi All,

The 5.10 LTS kernel being officially LTS supported for 2 years presents a problem:
why would anyone select a 5.10 kernel with 2 year LTS when 5.4 kernel has a 6 year LTS.

Yet, various unofficial reports indicate it will be supported for 6 years.  And AOSP has already declared the use
of 5.10 kernel in their Android S and T releases.

Is there some way we could make the LTS support more clear.
A 2 year declaration is not LTS any more.
If 5.10 is "actually" going to be supported for 6 years it would be quite valuable to make such a declaration.


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