[RFC PATCH] watchdog: da9062: Correct the timeout values

Christoph Niedermaier cniedermaier at dh-electronics.com
Sun Dec 5 23:47:51 PST 2021

From: Andrej Picej
Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 8:29 AM
>>>> I measured the timeout values of my DA9061 chip. According to the
>>>> information in the data sheet the formula should be:
>>>> timeout = 2.048 * 2^(regval - 1)
>>>> But my measured values differ from that.
>>>> Accoring to my measured values the formula must be:
>>>> timeout = 3.2 * 2^(regval - 1)
>>>> Is there something wrong with my chip, or has anyone else noticed this as well?
>>> The driver assumes a static and well defined clock rate. Maybe that rate
>>> is different in your system (if that is possible) ?
>>> Guenter
>> @Andrej
>> Do the values in the driver match what your chip does?
> Just did a quick test. The values in the driver match what the chip
> does. I checked multiple timeouts 16, 32, 65 and 131 seconds. The
> timeout triggers quite accurately.
>> I have not changed anything. After power on, the chip behaves like this.
>> So I guess it either come from an OTP value or the wiring outside the chip.
>> Does anyone know what needs to be checked?
> Can't help you here, sorry.

Thanks anyway, so now I know it must be
problem with my DA9061 chip.

Where can it come from?
Can you give we a hint what to check?

Thanks and best regards

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