4.13 (and probably all recent) kernels refuse to boot on one Nokia N950, work or another

Filip Matijević filip.matijevic.pz at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 05:58:16 PDT 2017

> If someone knows how to fix the backlight, it would still be useful.

In panel-dsi-cm.c it's set to maximum with

dsicm_dcs_write_1(ddata, DCS_BRIGHTNESS, 0xff);

Sebastian suggested the same but used 100 instead of 0xff, which might
be a bit too low. You can also add msleep(1000) after

dsicm_dcs_write_0(ddata, MIPI_DCS_SET_DISPLAY_ON);

to see if brightness gets overwritten, the whole display goes into sleep
mode, is turned off or similar somewhere down the line.

I'm still unable to make N9 panel to cooperate (despite having "the
right" clocks and able to send image to panel with
you'll have more luck than me!


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