[RFC PATCH] arm64/sve: ABI change: Zero SVE regs on syscall entry

Alex Bennée alex.bennee at linaro.org
Mon Oct 23 10:08:39 PDT 2017

Dave Martin <Dave.Martin at arm.com> writes:

> As currently documented, no guarantee is made about what a user
> task sees in the SVE registers after a syscall, except that V0-V31
> (corresponding to Z0-Z31 bits [127:0]) are preserved.
> The actual kernel behaviour currently implemented is that the SVE
> registers are zeroed if a context switch or signal delivery occurs
> during a syscall.  After a fork() or clone(), the SVE registers
> of the child task are zeroed also.  The SVE registers are otherwise
> preserved.  Flexibility is retained in the ABI about the exact
> criteria for the decision.
> There are some potential problems with this approach.
> Syscall impact
> --------------
> Will, Catalin and Mark have expressed concerns about the risk of
> creating de facto ABI here: in scenarios or workloads where a
> context switch never occurs or is very unlikely, userspace may
> learn to rely on preservation of the SVE registers across certain
> syscalls.

I think this is a reasonable concern but are there any equivalent cases
in the rest of the kernel? Is this new territory for Linux as these
super large registers are introduced?

> It is difficult to assess the impact of this: the syscall ABI is
> not a general-purpose interface, since it is usually hidden behind
> libc wrappers: direct invocation of SVC is discouraged.  However,
> specialised runtimes, statically linked programs and binary blobs
> may bake in direct syscalls that make bad assumptions.
> Conversely, the relative cost of zeroing the SVE regs to mitigate
> against this also cannot be well characterised until SVE hardware
> exists.
> ptrace impact
> -------------
> The current implementation can discard and zero the SVE registers
> at any point during a syscall, including before, after or between
> ptrace traps inside a single syscall.  This means that setting the
> SVE registers through PTRACE_SETREGSET will often not do what the
> user expects: the new register values are only guaranteed to
> survive as far as userspace if set from an asynchronous
> signal-delivery-stop (e.g., breakpoint, SEGV or asynchronous signal
> delivered outside syscall context).
> This is consistent with the currently documented SVE user ABI, but
> likely to be surprising for a debugger user, since setting most
> registers of a tracee doesn't behave in this way.
> This patch
> ----------
> The common syscall entry path is modified to forcibly discard SVE,
> and the discard logic elsewhere is removed.
> This means that there is a mandatory additional trap to the kernel
> when a user task tries to use SVE again after a syscall.  This can
> be expensive for programs that use SVE heavily around syscalls, but
> can be optimised later.

Won't it impact every restart from syscall? It's a shame you have to
trap when I suspect most first accesses after a syscall are likely to be
either restoring the caller-saved values which assume the value is
trashed anyway. Adding gettimeofday() or write(stdout) while debugging
is going to kill performance.

Alex Bennée

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