[RFCv2 PATCH 00/36] Process management for IOMMU + SVM for SMMUv3

Jean-Philippe Brucker jean-philippe.brucker at arm.com
Mon Oct 23 06:00:07 PDT 2017

Hi Jordan,

[Lots of IOMMU people have been dropped from Cc, I've tried to add them back]

On 12/10/17 16:28, Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 01:55:32PM +0100, Jean-Philippe Brucker wrote:
>> On 12/10/17 13:05, Yisheng Xie wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>>> * An iommu_process can be bound to multiple domains, and a domain can have
>>>>>>   multiple iommu_process.
>>>>> when bind a task to device, can we create a single domain for it? I am thinking
>>>>> about process management without shared PT(for some device only support PASID
>>>>> without pri ability), it seems hard to expand if a domain have multiple iommu_process?
>>>>> Do you have any idea about this?
>>>> A device always has to be in a domain, as far as I know. Not supporting
>>>> PRI forces you to pin down all user mappings (or just the ones you use for
>>>> DMA) but you should sill be able to share PT. Now if you don't support
>>>> shared PT either, but only PASID, then you'll have to use io-pgtable and a
>>>> new map/unmap API on an iommu_process. I don't understand your concern
>>>> though, how would the link between process and domains prevent this use-case?
>>> So you mean that if an iommu_process bind to multiple devices it should create
>>> multiple io-pgtables? or just share the same io-pgtable?
>> I don't know to be honest, I haven't thought much about the io-pgtable
>> case, I'm all about sharing the mm :)
>> It really depends on what the user (GPU driver I assume) wants. I think
>> that if you're not sharing an mm with the device, then you're trying to
>> hide parts of the process to the device, so you'd also want the
>> flexibility of having different io-pgtables between devices. Different
>> devices accessing isolated parts of the process requires separate io-pgtables.
> In our specific Snapdragon use case the GPU is the only entity that cares about
> process specific io-pgtables.  Everything else (display, video, camera) is happy
> using a global io-ptgable.  The reasoning is that the GPU is programmable from
> user space and can be easily used to copy data whereas the other use cases have
> mostly fixed functions.
> Even if different devices did want to have a process specific io-pgtable I doubt
> we would share them.  Every device uses the IOMMU differently and the magic
> needed to share a io-pgtable between (for example) a GPU and a DSP would be
> prohibitively complicated.
> Jordan

More context here:

So to summarize the Snapdragon case, if I understand correctly you need
two additional features:

(1) A way to create process address spaces, that are not bound to an mm
but to a separate io-pgtable. And a way to map/unmap these contexts.

(2) A way to obtain the PGD in order to program it into the GPU. And also
the ASID I suppose? What about TCR and MAIR?

For (1), I can see some value in isolating process contexts with
io-pgtable without going all the way and sharing the mm. The IOVA=VA
use-case feels a bit weak. But it does provide better isolation than
dma_map/unmap, if the GPU is in charge of PASIDs then two processes that
execute code on the GPU cannot access each others' DMA buffers. Maybe
other users will want that feature (but they really should be using bind_mm!).

In next version I'm going to replace iommu_process_bind by something like
iommu_sva_bind_mm, which reduces the scope of the API I'm introducing and
doesn't fit your case anymore. What you need is a shortcut into the PASID
allocator, a way to allocate a private PASID with io-pgtables instead of
one backed by an mm. Something like:

iommu_sva_alloc_pasid(domain, dev) -> pasid
iommu_sva_map(pasid, iova, size, flags)
iommu_sva_unmap(pasid, iova, size)
iommu_sva_free_pasid(domain, pasid)

Then for (2) the GPU is tightly integrated into the SMMU and can switch
contexts. I might be wrong but I don't see this case becoming standard as
new implementations move to PASIDs, we shouldn't spend too much time
making it generic. But to make it fit into the PASID API, how about the

We provide a backdoor to the GPU driver, allowing it to register PASID ops
into SMMUv2 driver:

struct smmuv2_pasid_ops {
	int (*install_pasid)(struct iommu_domain, int pasid, ttbr, asid
			     and whatnot);
	void (*remove_pasid)(struct iommu_domain, int pasid);

On PASID-capable IOMMUs, iommu_sva_alloc_pasid would install a context
descriptor into the PASID tables (owned by the IOMMU), pointing to the
io-pgtable. As SMMUv2 doesn't support PASID, iommu_sva_alloc_pasid
wouldn't actually install a context descriptor but instead call back into
the GPU driver with install_pasid. The GPU can then do its thing, call
sva_map/unmap, and switch contexts.

The good thing is that (1) and (2) are separate, so you get the same
callbacks if you're using iommu_sva_bind_mm instead of the private pasid


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