[PATCH 2/3] arm64: hw_breakpoint: Handle inexact watchpoint addresses

Pavel Labath labath at google.com
Fri Oct 7 10:24:14 PDT 2016

On 7 October 2016 at 09:38, Pratyush Anand <panand at redhat.com> wrote:
> IIUC, then you see an issue when an address watched is not the base
> address accessed by the instruction. For example, if an address 'a+8'
> is watched and an instruction accesses instruction from  a to a +16. I
> tried to reproduce the issue with mustang using your test-case in
> patch3 (after couple of syntax modifcations for resolving compilation
> issue with gcc). All the test case did pass with existing code in
> v4.8. I noticed that, watchpoint exception is generated if any of the
> sub-location accessed from a single instruction is watched, provided
> watchdpoint watches either a byte, half word, word or double word
> from the base.
> So, either I must be missing something or the problem is not related
> to all arm64 platform.

Hello Pratyush,

Thank you for looking into this.

The thing is, I have observed different behavior here depending on the
exact hardware used. I don't have the exact parameters with me now,
but I can look it up next week.

The thing is that the spec is imprecise about what exact address the
hardware can report for the watchpoint hit. I presume that is
deliberate to give some leeway to implementers. The spec says the
address can be anywhere in the range from the lowest memory address
accessed by the instruction to the highest address watched by the
watchpoint, but most hardware seems to be stricter than that and
return an address that fits inside the watched range.

On chip 1, I observed the behavior where the hardware would
consistently report an address out of range of the watchpoint and we
would just spin it in a loop.

On chip 2, I observed the behavior where the hardware would report an
out-of-range address for the first two dozen (~) iterations, after
which it would "give up" and report an address that we were happy
with. I don't really have an explanation for this - I can only assume
that some external event like a reschedule to a different core caused
some internal state of the hardware to be reset and cause it to report
a different (better?) address instead. In the case where this was
happening, it had no observable effects on userspace - it did not see
the fact that we had re-executed the offending instruction a dozen
times and as far as it was concerned, the watchpoint functionality
worked perfectly. You can check whether this is happening in your case
by instrumenting the code to print the reported address whenever it
enters `watchpoint_handler`.

(I am sorry about the test errors. I was compiling the test case with
an android gcc - I'll make sure to check it with a vanilla linux gcc

> However, I did notice that it does not work if we watch an address
> which is at some offset from address programmed. For example, it works
> when byte_mask is 0x3, but it does not work if byte_mask if 0x2 (which
> is supported by hardware).
> I do have some patches to resolve that.
> https://github.com/pratyushanand/linux/commits/perf/upstream_arm64_devel
> I will send them for review comment after some testing.

I am looking forward to these patches - they were the next on my list
to look into after I got this resolved. :)

However: Are sure about 0x2 not being a valid byte mask? According to
my reading of the armv8 spec (section  D7.3.11, "DBGWCR<n>_EL1, Debug
Watchpoint Control Registers, n = 0 - 15") it should be fine.
The valid values for BAS are 0b0000000, or a binary number all of
whose set bits are contiguous. All other values are reserved and must
not be used by software.
So, 0x2 (as well as 0x6, 0xC, 0xE) should be fine as it has a
contiguous sequence of set bit(s). I haven't tried yet whether any
hardware actually handles that correctly, but I was certainly hoping
we would be able to watch more precise memory regions.


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