Common/typical fractional divider HW API

Mason slash.tmp at
Fri Feb 5 06:49:33 PST 2016


AFAICT, the clk-fractional-divider driver implements the following
hardware API:

  M and N are two fields in the same register.
  DIV = M / N

Is this HW API common/typical in the embedded world?
in the PC world?

My hardware uses a slightly weird (to me) API:

  I = 0-255 (8 bits)
  F = 0-15  (4 bits)

  I = 0 => DIV = +INF
  I = 1 => DIV = 1 + F/(32-F)
  I > 1 => DIV = I + F/16

Is this HW API common/typical in the embedded world?
(Perhaps just the linear part for I > 1)

I see two downsides to this API:

1) I = 1 is a special case
2) A lot of the value space is wasted on large values.

For example, when I = 250, we don't really care about 250.0625, 250.125,
etc, or even nearby integer values, for that matter.

I think it's better to have a distribution with high density in small
values, and low density in high values (sort of like floating point).

For example:

  I = 0-15  (4 bits)
  F = 0-255 (8 bits)
  DIV = 2^I * (1 + F/256)

(We could probably even shave 2-4 bits on F.)

Are there downsides to this HW API?
Is this HW API common/typical in the embedded world?


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