[PATCH v2 3/5] regulator: add bcm590xx regulator driver

Mark Brown broonie at kernel.org
Tue Feb 18 23:52:32 EST 2014

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 06:17:10PM -0500, Matt Porter wrote:

> +static struct of_device_id bcm590xx_of_match[] = {
> +	{ .compatible = "brcm,bcm59056-regs", },
> +	{ }
> +};

This looks pretty much OK however I am in general suspicious of MFDs
that have subdevices like this in the DT - it doesn't seem like this is
a reusable device which can appear anywhere else so you're pretty much
just representing the way that Linux splits things up here rather than a
reusable IP that can reasonably have a separate binding.

If you had a binding which did something like enumerate the individual
IP blocks as individual devices that'd be more interesting, I could see
for example that a different PMIC might have a different set of register
compatible regulator IPs laid out.  It looks like that might be doable,
but it's in no way essential.
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