Defining schemas for Device Tree

Tomasz Figa tomasz.figa at
Sun Jul 28 20:21:52 EDT 2013


As promised I am starting a discussion about Device Tree schema. Let's 
first shortly introduce the problem.

Device Tree is a text-based data structure used to describe hardware. Its 
main point is separation from kernel code, which has a lot of benefits, 
but, at the moment, also a huge drawback - there is no verification of 
device tree sources against defined bindings. All the dtc compiler does 
currently are syntax checks - no semantic analysis is performed (except
some really basic things). What this means is that anybody can put
anything in their device tree and end up with the dts compiling fine only
to find out that something is wrong at boot time.

Currently, device tree bindings are described in plain text documentation 
files, which can not be considered a formal way of binding description. 
While such documentation provides information for developers/users that 
need to work with particular bindings, it can not be easily used as input 
for validation of device tree sources. This means that we need to define a 
more formal way of binding description, in other words - Device Tree 

To find a solution for this problem, we must first answer several 
questions to determine a set of requirements we have to meet.

a) What is a device tree binding?
For our purposes, I will define a binding as internal format of some 
device tree node, which can be matched using of_find_matching_node(). In 
other words, key for a binding would be node name and/or value of 
compatible property and/or node type. Value for a binding would be a list 
of properties with their formats and/or subnodes with their bindings.
b) What information should be specified in schemas? What level of 
   granularity is required?

For each property we need to have at least following data specified:
 - property name (or property name format, e.g. regex),
 - whether the property is mandatory or optional,
 - data type of value.

As for now, I can think of following data types used in device trees:
 - boolean (i.e. without value),
 - array of strings (including single string),
 - array of u32 (including single u32),
 - specifier (aka phandle with args, including cases with 0 args),
 - variable-length cells (e.g. #address-cells of u32s).

Some properties might require a combination of data types to be specified 
or even an array of combinations, like interrupt-map property, which is an 
array of entries consisting of:
 - #address-cells u32s,
 - #interrupt-cells u32s,
 - specifier (phandle of interrupt controller and u32 of count defined by 
   #interrupt-cells of the controller).

We probably want to define allowed range of values for given property, be 
it contiguous or enumerated.

As for subnodes, I think we need to define following constraints:
 - node name (or node name format, e.g. regex),
 - optional or not,
 - how many nodes of this type can be present (one, limited, unlimited),
 - recursively define binding for such node type.

We probably also want human readable descriptions for all properties and 
subnodes, so a textual documentation (like the one currently available) 
could be generated from schemas.

c) What about generic bindings? (e.g. for subsystems like pinctrl or 

This is where things get more interesting. Looks like we need some kind of 
inheritance for bindings or binding templates. Templates sound more 
appropriate here, because most of the generic bindings do not fully 
conform to what I defined as binding and need device-specific parameters 
to become so.

Let's consider first example taken from regulator subsystem.

	device {
		compatible = "foo,mydevice";
		/* ... */
		core-supply = <&regulator_a>;
		io-supply = <&regulator_b>;
		/* ... */

Bindings of regulator subsystem define the way of regulator lookup to be 
based on property matching following definition:

	#define REGULATOR(name) name ## _supply = <&phandle>

As you can see, the binding is parametrized, i.e. part of it is defined 
globally, but part is device-specific. Similarly for pinctrl subsystem:

	device {
		compatible = "foo,mydevice";
		/* ... */
		pinctrl-names = "state0", "state1";
		pinctrl-0 = <&phandle>...;
		pinctrl-1 = <&phandle>...;
		/* ... */

This binding is now parametrized in a more complex way:

	#define PINCTRL(name0, name1, ..., nameN) \
		pinctrl-names = name0, name1, ..., nameN; \
		pinctrl-0 = <&phandle>...; \
		pinctrl-1 = <&phandle>...; \
		... \
		pinctrl-N = <&phandle>...;

We need to have a way to describe this kind of inheritance, if we don't 
want to respecify generic attributes in all device bindings using them.

d) When should the validation happen and what should handle it?

In my opinion, similarly to compilation of board files, validation should 
be happening at dts compile time, to show any warnings or errors as early 
as possible.

Whether this should be integrated into dtc or rather handled by external 
tool is another question. Since we are already processing device tree 
sources in dtc, it might be reasonable to reuse its dts parsing 
infrastructure and add validation there, especially that dtc is supposed 
to already contain some infrastructure for doing checks on device tree as 
well. Nothing stops us from running validation on already compiled dtbs, 
though, using an extra tool.

e) What format should be used for Device Tree schema?

This is a non-trivial problem. Key criteria I can think of are as follows:
 - the whole set of information established above must be representable,
 - human-readable, easy to create and edit (extend), preferably similar to 
   something already existing, so could be easily learnt,
 - something that can be integrated with dtc with reasonable amount of 
   work or can reuse a lot (if not all) of already existing parsing code.

Okay, this should be enough to have some discussion. I will post a
follow-up with my proposal of schema format to separate general discussion
from discussion about the proposal, but this will happen tomorrow, as now
it's time to get some sleep.

For now please think about the points above and feel free to correct
anything wrong or suggest what else should be taken into consideration
for DT schemas. Let the discussion start.

Best regards,

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