[Ksummit-2013-discuss] DT bindings as ABI [was: Do we have people interested in device tree janitoring / cleanup?]

Ming Lei tom.leiming at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 05:16:34 EDT 2013

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 10:14 PM, jonsmirl at gmail.com <jonsmirl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, yes - that's why the schema should be written down and used as a
> validation input to dtc. Then dtc can spit out errors for non-standard
> items. There would be two versions - the standard one and a legacy one
> that includes the standard one plus the hacks that can't be undone.
> But more importantly it provides a framework for people creating new
> node definitions. Now they can't work in a vacuum and come up with
> random names and structure for everything.
> Most of the problems express in the thread would go away if the schema
> was written down and discussed. The rule going forward would be no new
> nodes that aren't part of the standard schema.


If we want to keep the schema stable, it has to be defined and described
explicitly with one language, just like syscall ABI: C type/API exported to
userspace header file.

Ming Lei

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