No subject

Sat Sep 18 23:17:21 EDT 2010

like any other clock that we currently support. If its configurable enough
then setup a hardware cycle counter that mimics nanoseconds since the
epoch as closely as possible and use that to sync the TSC rate to. Makes
it very easy.

> This would cause a disconnect between the hardware freq understood by
> the system time management code and the actual hardware freq.

We can switch underlying clocks for system time already. We can adapt to a
different hw frequency. But then I do not know why adjust the freq? I
thought the point was that the periodic clock was network synchronized and
can be used as "the" master clock for multiple machines?

> Richard, I'd actually strike this paragraph from the rational, as I feel
> it has the tendency to confuse as it suggests having the PHC as a
> clocksource is feasible when really it isn't. Or alternatively, maybe
> express more clearly why its not feasible, so it doesn't just seem like
> a minor design choice.

Sorry but I still feel that this is pretty much a misguided approach that
creates unnecessary layers in the kernel. The trivial easy approach was
not done (copy a driver from drivers/clocksource, modify so that it
programs access to a centralized periodic ptp signal and uses it for
system sync).

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