apparently, numerous unused header files under arch/arm

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Wed Sep 30 14:21:57 EDT 2009

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, David Brown wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 01:12:22AM -0700, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > is there any interest in my posting that arm-specific list
> > somewhere and people can peruse it and decide what, if anything,
> > they want to do with it?
> Any chance the script itself could be made available?  I would find
> this useful as I'm working through large amounts of code to get it
> to a state where it can be sent out as patches.

  an embarrassingly brute force approach -- most of my scripts are
just tweaked variations of the following.  run from whatever
location you want, and customize to taste:

===== start script =====


#  This script should always be run from the *top* of the kernel
# source tree.
#  Typical usage:
#  $ sound
#  Make sure you run some version of "make clean" before running
# this script.

DIR=${1-*}     # optional dir to scan, otherwise "."

#  Make a list of all of the header files in the given directory
# structure, and rip off their basenames.

LONGHDRS=$(find ${DIR} -name "*.h")


for h in ${LONGHDRS} ; do
	HDRS="${HDRS} $(basename ${h})"

#  just for fun, process them in sorted order

HDRS=$(for h in ${HDRS} ; do echo $h ; done | sort -u)

# echo "${HDRS}"

#  Test that each header file is included from *somewhere*.

for h in ${HDRS} ; do
	# echo "Testing $h ..."
	egrep -rwq " *# *include.*\b${h}\b" * || {
		echo "===== ${h} ====="
		find . -name "${h}"
		grep -rwH ${h} *

===== end script =====

  that last "grep" is simply to scan the *entire* source tree, looking
for that header file name *anywhere*, and that's what might reveal
that it's being used by something somewhere else, like in a Makefile.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                

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