where is the stack of supervisor mode? what's the value of SP_svc when the current state is supervisor mode?

新荣 付 fxinrong at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 27 22:35:47 EDT 2009

i have a question about the "SWI" instruction.
when a software interrupt
exception occurs, the following actions are performed by the

R14_svc = address of next instruction after the SWI
SPSR_svc = CPSR /* save processer status register */
= 0b10011 /* Enter Supervisor mode */
CPSR[5] = 0 /* Execute in ARM state
/* CPSR[6] is unchanged */
CPSR[7] = 1 /* Disable normal interrupts
/* CPSR[8] is unchanged */
CPSR[9] = CP15_reg1_EEbit /* Endianness on
exception entry */
PC = 0xFFFF0008

after those actions are finished,
ARM is enter the supervisor mode.
at this moment, the sp refered by
instruction is the SP_svc register.
the question is what is the value of
SP_svc register currently.
in a other word, where is the stack of supervisor

sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE @ what's the value
of SP_svc register at this time?????????
stmia sp, {r0 - r12} @ Calling r0 -
add r8, sp, #S_PC
stmdb r8, {sp, lr}^ @ Calling sp, lr
mrs r8, spsr
@ called from non-FIQ mode, so ok.
str lr, [sp, #S_PC] @ Save calling
str r8, [sp, #S_PSR] @ Save CPSR
str r0, [sp, #S_OLD_R0] @ Save
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