query block devices or disks via libnl / netlink

Thomas Haller thaller at redhat.com
Thu Dec 3 01:43:56 PST 2015

On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 23:03 +0100, Marek wrote:
> i'd like to ask a stupid question, is it possible to query harddrives
> or block devices via netlink using libnl?

Hi Marek,

If you ask, whether kernel supports a netlink family that allows you to
do that, then I don't know. I'd think there is none (?).

If you already know which netlink family you can use to achieve what
you want and whether libnl supports that, then the answer is:

libnl3 consists of a basic parsing library for netlink. You could use
that to help you parsing any kind of netlink protocol.
Then there are separate parts of the library (e.g. libnl-route-3.so),
which can help you handling a specific netlink protocol.

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