libical help with issue 320

Milan Crha mcrha at
Mon Nov 13 23:38:54 PST 2017

On Sun, 2017-11-12 at 13:22 -0500, Allen Winter wrote:
> Any OpenBSD people out there who can help debug issue320?

I do not have OpenBSD, but maybe it's not that related to particular
OS. I'd ask for all data passed into the function (the timezones), to
see what failed. And the pthread version being used (though the
backtrace doesn't seem to be pthread, as mine shows different function
call). I didn't notice any other issue than the forgotten unlock, which
is weird if the reporter has the fix for it applied - maybe verify the
applied fix is really in use? I'd also try to not use recursive mutex,
whether it'll change anything (at the top of the file), but as there is
no real change in the lock/unlock call from the previous libical
version, then it looks like the change not being applied/in use.

Another try would be using helgrind from valgrind 
   valgrind --tool=helgrind
which may eventually catch some issues around mutexes, but I confess I
didn't use it myself, I'm only aware of it.

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