libical 2.0.0 - more build-related issues

Milan Crha mcrha at
Mon Jan 18 08:36:47 PST 2016

	Hello again,
I found more issues with libical 2.0.0.

One serious, there is a typo in src/libical/icallangbind.h:
   LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT char *callangbind_quote_as_ical_r(const char *str);
it should read:
   LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT char *icallangbind_quote_as_ical_r(const char *str);
Added 'i' as the prefix for the function name.

Another is a "nitpick". I'm compiling in a 64bit environment, but I
want to install libraries into my own prefix (aka not xxx/lib64/, but
xxx/lib/). The parameters passed to cmake seem to be ignored:

   $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
          -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/tmp/local \
          -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/tmp/local/lib \
   $ make
   $ make install
   [100%] Building C object examples/CMakeFiles/doesnothing.dir/parse_text.c.o
   [100%] Linking C executable ../bin/doesnothing
   [100%] Built target doesnothing
   Install the project...
   -- Install configuration: ""
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libical.pc
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/cmake/LibIcal/LibIcalConfigVersion.cmake
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/cmake/LibIcal/LibIcalConfig.cmake
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/cmake/LibIcal/LibIcalTargets.cmake
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/cmake/LibIcal/LibIcalTargets-noconfig.cmake
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/
   -- Installing: /tmp/local/lib64/libical.a

It would be nice to have both things fixed in the next release.
	Thanks and bye,

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