[Freeassociation-devel] libical fix recurrence not excluded when it should be

Gren Elliot gren.elliot at scalix.com
Thu Aug 6 07:15:46 PDT 2009

Hi dothebart,

Here is the second promised patch, plus an example program demonstrating 
the issue.
The issue is that "icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded" does not take 
into account any timezone associated with EXDATEs being tested.

I compiled the example program on Fedora 10 (with libical-0.43-4.fc10 
installed) using :
gcc -g -o recurrenceNotExcluded -Wstrict-prototypes 
-I/usr/include/libical -lical recurrenceNotExcluded.c

Running the binary :
FAIL!!! 20080818T180000Z NOT excluded even though it matches

Thanks and regards,

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