[Freeassociation-devel] [patch] TODOs in icalproperty.c and icalmime.c

Terry Wilson terry at logivox.net
Tue Jan 29 12:01:20 PST 2008

The TODO: WTF?  in icalproperty.c seems to be just a deprecation  
warning from when the name of the function icalproperty_get_name was  
renamed to icalproperty_get_property_name--I'm assuming to be more in  
line with the other function names.  This seems to have been  
deprecated since 2002.  I did a search on krugle.org and it looks like  
maybe a couple of instances in KDE might still use the old function  
name, but of course it is a quick fix for them--I would say if  
something has been deprecated for 6 years, you can safely remove it in  
a new release.  :-)  Not that it hurts to keep it around, but why  
deprecate something if you never intend to take it out, right?  I'd  
just say make them aware that it is really going away finally and  
update the line or two of code that they use it for.

The icalmimetype.c TODO is a little more confusing.  It looks like the  
evolution version might be the way to go as 'part' is dynamically  
allocated by new_part and never freed anywhere if we use the KDE  
version.  I don't have time right now to try to whip something up and  
test with valgrind, but it looks like the currently uncommented  
version is the way to go to me.  Looks like they were both trying to  
solve the same issue, but went about it different ways (referencing  
impl after freeing it).

Attaching patches just for fun removing long-deprecated function and  
removing commented out KDE version of icalmime_text_end_part().

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