Libertas async firmware loading causing problems.

NeilBrown neilb at
Wed Jun 13 23:47:42 EDT 2012

 I've been trying out 3.5-rc2 on my gta04 (openmoko successor mobile phone
 platform) and there are problems with the libertas wifi.  I revert the recent
 patches for async firmware loading and the problems go away.

I'm not sure what info would be useful.  There is nothing really obvious in
the kernel logs, unless

[  766.343139] libertas_sdio mmc1:0001:1: (unregistered net_device): PREP_CMD: command 0x00a3 failed: 2

is significant.

I have a little script that runs wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli with appropriate
config files and the result is 

Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such
device Failed to initialize driver interface
Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory

and the interface doesn't come up.

Other things I had noticed:
 - the regulator that powers the wifi chip gets left on after boot,
   even though the interface isn't configured.  This didn't happen in
   If I "ifconfig wlan0 up;ifconfig wlan0 down", the regulator then gets
   turned off.
   I changed the call to "pm_runtime_put_noidle" to "pm_runtime_put", and
   the regulator gets turned off correctly.

 - I once got an error from a vmfree call from release_firmware from
   load_next_firmware_from_table that the passed pointer was invalid.
   It looked like a normal sort of address, so maybe it had already been
   I have only seen this once and cannot make it happen again.

I'm happy to test patches etc to try to narrow down the problem, but it might
take me a few days to get to it.

The wifi chip is an 8686 and I see

[  765.366149] firmware mmc1:0001:1: firmware: requesting libertas/sd8686_v9.bin

so it certainly tries to load the firmware.

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