[LEDE-DEV] [PATCH] build: add V=e option for extended build info

Matthew McClintock msm-oss at mcclintock.net
Fri Jun 16 11:58:17 PDT 2017

This will output when a job starts and stops:

$ make -j24 V=e
[ snip ]
 make[3] -C package/network/config/firewall compile
 make -r -C package/network/config/firewall BUILD_SUBDIR=package/network/config/firewall BUILD_VARIANT= compile finished

It's quite useful for debugging parallel builds to see what actually
failed without having to re-run -j1 V=s when the issue may not occur at

Signed-off-by: Matthew McClintock <msm-oss at mcclintock.net>
 include/verbose.mk | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/include/verbose.mk b/include/verbose.mk
index b7e43f7430..fe5c425181 100644
--- a/include/verbose.mk
+++ b/include/verbose.mk
@@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ ifeq ($(findstring s,$(OPENWRT_VERBOSE)),)
     _NULL:=$(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(shell \
 		$(call MESSAGE, make[$(MAKELEVEL)]$(if $(_DIR), -C $(_DIR)) $(MAKECMDGOALS)); \
+    ifeq ($(findstring e,$(OPENWRT_VERBOSE)),)
+      SUBMAKE=$(MAKE)
+    else
+      SUBMAKE:=cmd() { $(MAKE) $$* && printf "$(_Y) make $$* finished$(_N)\n" >&8 || { printf "$(_Y) make $$* failed$(_N)\n" >&8; false; } }; cmd
+    endif
     SILENT:=>/dev/null $(if $(findstring w,$(OPENWRT_VERBOSE)),,2>&1)
     export QUIET:=1

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