[LEDE-DEV] [OpenWrt-Devel] Remerge logo ideas

Carlos Ferreira carlosmf.pt at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 17:57:10 PDT 2017

Julian, thank you for the correction. I truly thought that WRT was
from Wireless Router. I stand corrected :)

Bill, I understand that it would be a risk to change the name. I don't
mind that the project continues to use the OpenWRT brand. I just was
pointing out that it doesn't truly reflects what it is being used

Let me give you an example.

About 3-4 years ago, when I was starting my PhD, I decided to use
OpenWRT to power about 32 VM's inside my computer. I wanted to test a
distributed network protocol that I had been developing for some time
in Python. Since OpenWRT has such a low memory footprint, It was the
perfect environment for me. I could test the network protocol with a
real linux kernel in a virtual network environment, having only 8GB of
RAM on the host.

I got to test the protocol and it worked. Then I used it in some SBC's
also with OpenWRT.

On 2 June 2017 at 23:24, Philip Prindeville
<philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
> Can we add “Powered by LEDE” in little tiny letters underneath?  ;-)
>> On May 29, 2017, at 4:11 AM, Jamie Stuart <jamie at onebillion.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First of all, I’m glad to hear the process of remerging LEDE with OpenWrt is moving forward.
>> For what it’s worth, if prefer the LEDE name (it’s friendlier - ‘leddy’ - and not tied to the name of an old router!)
>> However, it seems the consensus is that the OpenWrt name should remain. I thought that maybe we should take this opportunity to at least give the project an updated look?
>> Maybe a new logo? I’m personally not one for mascots, so I had a quick go at a few simple text-based designs:
>> http://i.imgur.com/9zyXSYR.png
>> What are you thoughts?
>> Jamie, onebillion
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Carlos Miguel Ferreira
Researcher at Telecommunications Institute
Aveiro - Portugal
Work E-mail - cmf at av.it.pt
Skype & GTalk -> carlosmf.pt at gmail.com
LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmferreira

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