[LEDE-DEV] Apology; Communication

Daniel Dickinson lede-daniel at cshore.thecshore.com
Thu Nov 24 15:44:44 PST 2016

I want to apologize for my last email.  I have been in a rather
negative state of mind lately due to medical issues, in addition to
struggling to keep from being excessively annoying at other times.

In any event, the perception of lack of transparency and such, has more
to due with lack of regular communication from the core team with the
community than anything else.

Sadly I am not in a state to help with that, (I'm sure you realize I'm
right when say I'd be a bad choice for enhancing communications; I
recognize my own flaws as well as the failings that led to the fork,
and were the project appears to be heading (it's great to have an
active community, but if there isn't enough interaction from the core
team it becomes irrelevant).

I've decided to limit my participation for some time to come because at
the present time I'm more likely to get in the way than make things
better, which isn't what I want.



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