[LEDE-DEV] Clarification on recursive dependencies

Daniel Curran-Dickinson daniel at daniel.thecshore.com
Tue Jul 5 22:27:08 PDT 2016

Hi Felix,

I'd like clarification on


for two reasons: with a patch picking a default SSL provider, the two
packages in commit emitted a recursive dependency error.

It made sense to me that it would be considered a recursive dependency
because the section ends up looking like:

config PACKAGE_libustream-openssl

	depends on libopenssl if PACKAGE_libustream-openssl

which looks to me like a recursive dependency (certainly I've had
KConfig complain at me over that sort of construct, once you add in a
something a dependency or select on PACKAGE_libustream-openssl in some
other location.

I'm confused about how this is not a recursive dependency?



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