given a makedumpfile processed coredump, generate a symbolic backtrace containing the same info as a standard gdb backtrace

Cody P Schafer devel-lists at
Mon Sep 9 19:06:39 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I've got a coredump file processed by makedumpfile (non-elf) and am 
trying to get a backtrace with all the line numbers, argument values, 
and argument types like a normal gdb backtrace with debug info (yes, I 
have a vmlinux built with debuginfo).

gdb refuses to load the core dump (no big supprise there). crash loads 
it but it's builtin backtrace doesn't appear to use debug info, and as a 
result doesn't give me arguments + types. Doing "gdb bt" complains about 
not having a stack.

Any advise? I see a few paths forward:

  - somehow get crash's gdb to understand where the stack is
  - hack gdb to load the non-elf coredump
  - modify makedumpfile to allow it to convert the non-elf coredump back 
to elf.


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