[RFC PATCH 0/1] wpa_supplicant: Implement SSID-based MAC address randomization

João Lucas jlucas at disroot.org
Thu Jan 23 07:41:29 PST 2025


The purpose of this patch is to allow configuring wpa_supplicant to generate
pseudo-random MAC addresses by hashing (sha256) the SSID together with the
permanent address, just like iwd does when the AddressRandomization option is
set to "network". This allows having a unique consistent address for each
network without the need for additional per-network manual configuration.

I'd like to request some opinions because I'm not sure if some things were
implemented in the most ideal way, particularly:

- The function that generates the MAC address (random_mac_addr_from_ssid) is
  defined in the same file from which it is called from
  (wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.c), unlike others such as random_mac_addr,
  which is in src/utils/common.c. This was because the new function is only
  called from there (currently) and the #includes section of common.c seemed a
  bit too clean for me to add "crypto/sha256.h" to it;

- The new value for the mac_addr option was appended to enum wpas_mac_addr_style
  in wpa_supplicant/config_ssid.h, as number 4. This is a problem because option
  3 should be excluded from the global configuration (wpa_supplicant/config.c,
  global_fields[]), while the new option 4 should be included. However setting
  the INT_RANGE up to 4 ends up including 3 as well. Inserting it as 3 instead
  would break compatibility.

Also, if I may suggest: I think it would make more sense to put randomization
style and randomization "range" (full/same_oui) into separate options, since
this range would also be applicable to potential future styles such as this one.

What do you think? Is this something worth perfecting, or is there no intention
in getting such feature merged?


João Lucas (1):
  wpa_supplicant: Implement SSID-based MAC address randomization

 wpa_supplicant/config.c         |  4 ++--
 wpa_supplicant/config_ssid.h    |  1 +
 wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


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