[PATCH] expose peer interface address in P2P peer dbus property

Jouni Malinen j at w1.fi
Sat Dec 23 01:39:05 PST 2023

On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 09:22:51PM +0000, Jintao Lin wrote:
> Expose peer interface address in the dbus property so that platform can
> correlate this value with the IP address assigned to the clients.

This would result in somewhat incomplete design since it is possible for
there to be multiple groups operating in parallel and a peer device may
have more than a single interface address. This could work if you limit
all possible use cases to allow only a single P2P group to be operating
in parallel, but even in that case, dev->interface_addr for a peer might
not be set.

To implement this robustly, you would need to provide the full list of
known P2P Interface Addresses for a peer device.  wpa_supplicant does
not currently track such information in the P2P peer entry, though.

Another approach would be to add an operation that would identify the
P2P group for which the information is being asked for.

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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