[PATCH 2/5] tests: Add more EHT tests with various bandwidths and channels
Andrei Otcheretianski
andrei.otcheretianski at intel.com
Wed Dec 20 22:49:31 PST 2023
Test EHT connection on 5Ghz band with channels 20-160Mhz and up to
320Mhz on 6Ghz band.
Signed-off-by: Ilan Peer <ilan.peer at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrei Otcheretianski <andrei.otcheretianski at intel.com>
tests/hwsim/hostapd.py | 44 +++++++++++
tests/hwsim/test_eht.py | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/hwsim/utils.py | 24 ++++++
3 files changed, 233 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py b/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py
index 205f15e9a4..65771ee007 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py
+++ b/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py
@@ -898,6 +898,50 @@ def ht40_minus_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None):
params['ht_capab'] = "[HT40-]"
return params
+def he_params(ssid=None):
+ params = {"ssid": "he6ghz",
+ "ieee80211n": "1",
+ "ieee80211ac": "1",
+ "wmm_enabled": "1",
+ "channel": "5",
+ "op_class": "131",
+ "ieee80211ax": "1",
+ "hw_mode": "a",
+ "he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "15",
+ "he_oper_chwidth": "2",
+ "vht_oper_chwidth": "2"}
+ if ssid:
+ params["ssid"] = ssid
+ return params
+def he_wpa_params(ssid=None, passphrase=None):
+ params = he_params(ssid)
+ params["wpa"] = "1"
+ params["wpa_key_mgmt"] = "WPA-PSK"
+ params["wpa_pairwise"] = "TKIP"
+ if passphrase:
+ params["wpa_passphrase"] = passphrase
+ return params
+def he_wpa2_params(ssid=None, wpa_key_mgmt="SAE", rsn_pairwise="CCMP",
+ group_cipher="CCMP", sae_pwe="1", passphrase=None):
+ params = he_params(ssid)
+ params["wpa"] = "2"
+ params["wpa_key_mgmt"] = wpa_key_mgmt
+ params["rsn_pairwise"] = rsn_pairwise
+ params["group_cipher"] = group_cipher
+ params["ieee80211w"] = "2"
+ if wpa_key_mgmt == "SAE":
+ params["sae_pwe"] = sae_pwe
+ params["sae_groups"] = "19"
+ if passphrase:
+ params["wpa_passphrase"] = passphrase
+ return params
def cmd_execute(apdev, cmd, shell=False):
hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev)
return hapd_global.cmd_execute(cmd, shell=shell)
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/test_eht.py b/tests/hwsim/test_eht.py
index b799fcd855..883099298b 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/test_eht.py
+++ b/tests/hwsim/test_eht.py
@@ -1075,3 +1075,168 @@ def test_eht_ap_mld_proto(dev, apdev):
mle += "3004010802040b160c12182432043048606c2d1afe131bffff000000000000000000000100000000000000000000ff16230178c81a400000bfce0000000000000000fafffaffff126c07007c0000feffff7f0100888888880000"
hdr = "00000000" + bssid0 + mld_addr + bssid0 + "1000"
send_check(hapd0, hdr + assocreq_start + mle + assocreq_end)
+def _5ghz_chanwidth_to_bw(op):
+ return {
+ 0: "40",
+ 1: "80",
+ 2: "160",
+ 3: "80+80",
+ }.get(op, "20")
+def _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, channel, chanwidth, ccfs1, ccfs2=0):
+ try:
+ params = {"ssid": "eht",
+ "country_code": "US",
+ "hw_mode": "a",
+ "channel": str(channel),
+ "ieee80211n": "1",
+ "ieee80211ac": "1",
+ "ieee80211ax": "1",
+ "ieee80211be": "1",
+ "vht_oper_chwidth": str(chanwidth),
+ "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(ccfs1),
+ "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": str(ccfs2),
+ "he_oper_chwidth": str(chanwidth),
+ "he_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": str(ccfs2),
+ "he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(ccfs1),
+ "eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": str(ccfs1),
+ "eht_oper_chwidth": str(chanwidth)}
+ if chanwidth == 0:
+ if channel == ccfs1:
+ bw = "20"
+ elif channel < ccfs1:
+ params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40+]"
+ else:
+ params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40-]"
+ else:
+ params["ht_capab"] = "[HT40+]"
+ if chanwidth == 2:
+ params["vht_capab"] = "[VHT160]"
+ elif chanwidth == 3:
+ params["vht_capab"] = "[VHT160-80PLUS80]"
+ freq = 5000 + channel * 5
+ if chanwidth != 0 or channel != ccfs1:
+ bw = _5ghz_chanwidth_to_bw(chanwidth)
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
+ dev[0].connect("eht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=str(freq))
+ eht_verify_status(dev[0], hapd, freq, bw, is_ht=True, is_vht=True)
+ eht_verify_wifi_version(dev[0])
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
+ finally:
+ dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
+ set_world_reg(apdev[0], None, dev[0])
+def test_eht_5ghz_20mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 20 MHz channel width on 5GHz"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 0, 36, 0)
+def test_eht_5ghz_40mhz_low(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 40 MHz channel width on 5GHz. Secondary channel above"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 0, 38, 0)
+def test_eht_5ghz_40mhz_high(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5GHz. Secondary channel below"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 40, 0, 38, 0)
+def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_1(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5GHz. Primary=149"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 1, 42, 0)
+def test_eht_5ghz_80mhz_2(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 5GHz. Primary=149"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 149, 1, 155, 0)
+def test_eht_5ghz_80p80mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 80+80 MHz channel width on 5GHz"""
+ _test_eht_5ghz(dev, apdev, 36, 3, 42, 155)
+def _6ghz_op_class_to_bw(op):
+ return {
+ 131: "20",
+ 132: "40",
+ 133: "80",
+ 134: "160",
+ 137: "320",
+ }.get(op, "20")
+def _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, channel, op_class, ccfs1):
+ check_sae_capab(dev[0])
+ # CA enables 320mhz channels without NO-IR restriction
+ dev[0].cmd_execute(['iw', 'reg', 'set', 'CA'])
+ wait_regdom_changes(dev[0])
+ try:
+ ssid = "eht_6ghz_sae"
+ passphrase = "12345678"
+ params = hostapd.he_wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
+ params["ieee80211be"] = "1"
+ params["channel"] = str(channel)
+ params["op_class"] = str(op_class)
+ params["he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] = str(ccfs1)
+ params["eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] = str(ccfs1)
+ params["country_code"] = "CA"
+ if not he_6ghz_supported():
+ raise HwsimSkip("6GHz frequency is not supported")
+ if op_class == 137 and not eht_320mhz_supported():
+ raise HwsimSkip("320Mhz channels are not supported")
+ hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
+ status = hapd.get_status()
+ logger.info("hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
+ if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211ax") != "1":
+ raise Exception("STATUS did not indicate ieee80211ax=1")
+ if hapd.get_status_field("ieee80211be") != "1":
+ raise Exception("STATUS did not indicate ieee80211be=1")
+ wpas = dev[0]
+ wpas.set("sae_pwe", "1")
+ freq = 5950 + channel * 5
+ bw = _6ghz_op_class_to_bw(op_class)
+ wpas.connect(ssid, key_mgmt="SAE", psk=passphrase, ieee80211w="2",
+ scan_freq=str(freq))
+ eht_verify_status(wpas, hapd, freq, bw)
+ eht_verify_wifi_version(wpas)
+ hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(wpas, hapd)
+ finally:
+ dev[0].cmd_execute(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])
+ wait_regdom_changes(dev[0])
+def test_eht_6ghz_20mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 20 MHz channel width on 6GHz"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 131, 5)
+def test_eht_6ghz_40mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 40 MHz channel width on 6GHz"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 132, 3)
+def test_eht_6ghz_80mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 80 MHz channel width on 6GHz"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 133, 7)
+def test_eht_6ghz_160mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 160 MHz channel width on 6GHz"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 134, 15)
+def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6GHz"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 5, 137, 31)
+def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz_2(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6GHz center 63"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 37, 137, 63)
+def test_eht_6ghz_320mhz_3(dev, apdev):
+ """EHT with 320 MHz channel width on 6GHz center 31 primary 37"""
+ _test_eht_6ghz(dev, apdev, 37, 137, 31)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/utils.py b/tests/hwsim/utils.py
index d572bdc4c9..d01e1fbbfe 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/utils.py
+++ b/tests/hwsim/utils.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import subprocess
import time
import remotehost
import logging
+import re
logger = logging.getLogger()
import hostapd
@@ -156,6 +157,29 @@ def vht_supported():
return True
return False
+def eht_320mhz_supported():
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(["iw", "reg", "get"],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(["iw", "reg", "get"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ reg = cmd.stdout.read().decode()
+ if "@ 320)" in reg:
+ return True
+ return False
+def he_6ghz_supported(freq=5975):
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(["iw", "reg", "get"],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ reg_rules = cmd.stdout.read().decode().splitlines()
+ for rule in reg_rules:
+ m = re.search(r"\s*\(\d+\s*-\s*\d+", rule)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ freqs = re.findall(r"\d+", m.group(0))
+ if int(freqs[0]) <= freq and freq <= int(freqs[1]):
+ return True
+ return False
# This function checks whether the provided dev, which may be either
# WpaSupplicant or Hostapd supports CSA.
def csa_supported(dev):
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