hostapd: external registrar -> Windows 8 cannot connect using pbc

Morten Bruun morten.bruun at
Tue Jul 26 08:22:36 PDT 2016


I have run into the following problem: When I register an external
registrar with hostapd then Windows 8 cannot connect using pbc. This
does not look like a bug in hostapd, the problem seems to be that
Windows does not send an M2D ACK back to hostapd. Instead it just
keeps sending M1 messages which will be rejected as hostapd is waiting
for a M2D ACK.

The sequence of messages looks somewhat like this:

hostapd -> enrollee: Request identity
enrollee -> hostapd: Response identity
hostapd -> enrollee: Request wsc start
enrollee -> hostapd: Response m1
hostapd -> enrollee: Request m2d
enrollee -> hostapd: Response m1
hostapd -> enrollee: Failure

Can anybody confirm this issue?

If this can be confirmed, is this an issue that can be fixed for
hostapd to make it work with Windows and external registrars?

I have used version 2.1 but by looking at the code it seems that 2.5
has the same behaviour.

Kind regards,

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