segfault in wpa_ctrl_request

marc miller mmiller2616 at
Thu Jan 14 08:28:40 PST 2016

Hi All
I think i sent the email earlier without checking my subscription to
the list. Here i go again:

I am using wpa_supplicant to control wifi on one of my arm based
platforms. I'm using 2.2 . I see sometimes that my process segfaults
and backtrace points it to wpa_ctrl_request.

In the latest instance , i saw it point to wpa_ctrl.c:521 -->
        if (FD_ISSET(ctrl->s, &rfds)) {

This happened when my process tried to do this:
      if (wpa_ctrl_request(g_ctrl_conn,"DISCONNECT",10,buf,&len,NULL) < 0)

Any recommendations on what could be causing this ?


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