hostapd n00b wants to capture all traffic sent / received by BSS - use hostapd?

Kennedy, Smith Wireless Architect smith.kennedy
Fri Oct 9 21:38:40 PDT 2015

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll look into it!  But I'm not sure that a second virtual interface will actually report this.  And I have to assume that only certain adapters support multiple virtual interfaces operating on a single physical radio.


> On 2015-10-09, at 1:32 PM, hiro <23hiro at> wrote:
> Is there anything preventing you to use tcpdump or airodump on a
> second virtual interface in monitor mode? look into airodump-ng
> project's man pages perhaps, cause they have nice tools to create such
> interfaces in monitor mode.
> On 10/9/15, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless Architect) <smith.kennedy at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am seeking a way to have an AP that can trace all 802.11 traffic sent &
>> received by its adapters.  Having an adjacent system running in monitor mode
>> isn't good enough - I want to track the traffic actually sent / received by
>> the AP as reported by the AP's radio adapters themselves.  And I was
>> wondering if such a thing could be done using hostapd (to provide the AP
>> function if not the monitoring function) perhaps running BSD or Linux.  I
>> don't know whether hostapd could be providing the 802.11 traffic or if
>> rather I would need to be getting that using something like Wireshark etc.?
>> Reading the Wireshark wiki for capturing Wi-Fi traffic, it seems that
>> non-monitor mode won't deliver the 802.11 headers on Linux, but some of the
>> BSDs provide 802.11 headers and all the management frames etc.  Or maybe
>> this will require getting traces directly from the drivers...?
>> Any help or other thoughts / pointers would be very welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Smith

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