Record Events happening in Supplicant Module in a log file inside the phone with Timing Information

Cainikov, Andrej Andrej.Cainikov
Wed Oct 12 09:36:07 PDT 2011

Hi Nithy,

What are you asking for has nothing to do with the wpa_supplicant itself, but rather to Android specifics.

Collecting the logs on Android phone without USB cable normally is achieved via:
$ adb wait-for-device shell
$ logcat -v threadtime > /data/logcat.log &

Andrejs Cainikovs.

From: hostap-bounces at [mailto:hostap-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nithyananthan Poosamani
Sent: den 12 oktober 2011 18:12
To: hostap at
Subject: Record Events happening in Supplicant Module in a log file inside the phone with Timing Information

Dear All,

I am working to record some of the events happening in wpa_supplicant module like how many times the configuration file is read by supplicant to populate it's data structures, what time it happened, number of scans performed and their timing information etc.

I have a rooted Nexus One phone which uses the wext driver. Currently, I would kill the wpa_supplicant process and start it with advanced log level to see all these information. The command I used is

wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth0 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

But I was able to see all these logs ONLY when I am connected to ADB interface through Eclipse. What I want is that I need to see all the logs even when the phone is not connected to ADB. I would like to store all these log information as a file inside the smartphone which I can later retrieve. Example the file could be logged in /data/misc/wifi/supplicant_log.txt. I shall later parse this log file and gather some information.

Please guide me in achieving this. Thank you all for your time and patience !

Networking Research Laboratory (NRL)
NC State University.
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