wpa_supplicant WPA2-PSK authentification times

Kalle Valo kalle.valo
Sat Mar 27 00:12:48 PDT 2010

Schulte Stefan <Stefan.Schulte at VIEGA.DE> writes:

> I misread some figures... I came up with a new bottleneck, which is
> the background scan for new BSS. It seems that my client is
> switching over to the next AP only if the new one is out of reach
> for some time and therefor lost connection?

Yes, that's how it currently works. Roaming in Linux is not very
advanced, yet. We are working on it, but I assume it will take another
year before we get significantly faster roaming.

> How do you turn on background scanning? Using the wext driver.

Currently there is no way to do it. For the last couple of years we
have talked about this, but the progress has been slow because various
components are involved here. See some discussion here:


> There are some settings for roaming treshold etc in the cisco wlan
> controller, but do I have to set the roaming behaviour in the
> supplicant aswell?:

I don't know what settings the cisco controller has, but currently in
Linux all control is in client side.

Kalle Valo

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