Madwifi and hidden SSID

Ruzsinszky Attila ruzsinszky.attila
Sat Dec 22 10:33:48 PST 2007


SuSE 10.3, wpa_supplicant-0.5.8-37

The only one successfull solution is:
ap_scan=1 and ssid_scan=1 (and of course I disabled hidden SSID!).
(I definied all connection parameters explicite in network block.)

AP is a Linksys WRT54GL with WhiteRussian.

If I change ap_scan and/or ssid_scan no ASSOCIATION.
I tried out wext and madwifi driver.
Is this the right behaviour?

I've got a Prism2.5 and Atheros PCMCIA card and they are
working under SuSE 10.1 with an older one madwifi and
wpa_supplicant version.


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