Static wep keys not set

Pavel Roskin proski
Wed Apr 4 00:10:56 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 18:10 +0200, Nicolas Dichtel wrote:
> I've already sent a mail (and a proposal patch) about this issue
> (
> As I said in my previous mail:
> 802.11 specifications say:
> "APs set the Privacy sub?eld to 1 within transmitted Beacon, Probe 
> Response, Association Response, and
> Reassociation Response management frames if WEP encryption is required 
> for all data type frames
> exchanged within the BSS. If WEP encryption is not required, the Privacy 
> sub?eld is set to 0."

It sounds like if the privacy bit is set before the key, all
communication will stop to satisfy that requirement.  Setting the key
first seems more reasonable to me.  Is my understanding correct?

If yes, then the fix belongs to MadWifi, not to hostapd.  Well, hostapd
could have a MadWifi specific workaround for now.

Pavel Roskin

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