ndiswrapper/ wireless-tools, wpa_supplicant question

Christian Roessner christian
Sun Mar 5 04:09:20 PST 2006

Moin, Moin,

>  Tach Christian,
> I also use the Netgear WG111v2 and the router is also from Netgear. I also
> use Gentoo Linux ;-) Yes, there is indeed a problem with the timeout &
> ndiswrapper.
> But it works fine here, on my system. Even at bootup it's connect to the
> router (most of the time - but some times I get also a timeout). But I get
> it connect, if I do it manuell. I have set the time-out high, to about 5
> min.
> This is my /etc/conf.d/net :
> modules=("wpa_supplicant")
> iwconfig_wlan0="essid NETGEAR"
> wpa_supplicant_wlan0="-Dndiswrapper"
> wpa_timeout_wlan0=360
> config_wlan0=(" netmask")
> routes_wlan0=("default gw")

first of all: Thanks. Unfortunatley, this does not work for me :-( The
only way I get connected is running wpa_supplicant in debug mode. If
using -B, it never gets connected!

Does someone else have any ideas? I would like to know, if this is
wpa_supplicant or ndiswrapper related, so I may ask for help at the
right forum.

Thanks und sch?ne Gr??e aus Gie?en


Tel.: 0641-2097252, Mobil: 0171-3611230
PGP: http://www.roessner-net.com/0x6B929997.asc

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