Intermittent drops in wpa_supplicant (blacklist issue?)

wpa-ml at wpa-ml
Wed Jan 18 20:36:44 PST 2006

On 2006.01.18 00:51, wpa-ml at wrote:
> Hi!
> I am having an issue where my connection drops every five to fifteen
> minutes. When running with -d, everything comes up right but the first
> sign of a problem is this message:
>   setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
>   Added BSSID 00:0a:73:fd:a8:d8 into blacklist
>   Disconnect event - remove keys
>   wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=0
>   wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=1
>   wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=2
>   wpa_driver_bsd_del_key: keyidx=3
>   wpa_driver_bsd_del_key:
>   addr=00:00:00:00:00:00 keyidx=0
>   ioctl[SIOCS80211, op 20, len 7]: Can't
>   assign requested address
>   Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
> The BSSID given is the one I have assigned to my AP. These messages are 
> followed by numerous reconnection attempts (usually it is easier to just 
> manually reconnect). Latencies are also very high but it might well be 
> related to the same issue.  
> This is over the ral driver (Zonet ZEW1501) on FreeBSD 6.0 R/amd64.  
> I will post further debug messages if this is not a common problem, 
> just let me know what you need to see.

Here is a rundown of a typical session with -d -d. It is about 1000
lines long altogether but indented/annotated so that all of the 'events'
are easy to browse through.
Thanks again

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