wpa_supplicant 0.4.6 + ipw2200 1.0.8 , ieee80211 - 1.1.15 , kernel 2.6.16 (RHEL4U2)

Radu Brumariu radu
Tue Nov 8 06:41:16 PST 2005

Pedro Ramalhais wrote:

>Radu Brumariu wrote:
>>Thank you very much, that worked.
>>But why ? Isn't it supposed to work with the ipw driver ?
>>Thanks again,
>>>Use -Dwext instead of -Dipw
>The ipw drivers support the kernel wireless interface for WPA if the
>kernel has wireless extensions version 18. Kernels since 2.6.13 have
>version 18, so when you compile against these kernels, it will enable
>the kernel interface and disable the "old" ipw specific interface.
Ok, so if I understand this right, after the 2.6.13, no matter what 
wireless board I have, as long as I compile the drivers for the board 
and the wext module I should use the wext.
What is the lowest version of ipw for which the wpa_supplicant will 
work, given that I have a kernel lower than 2.6.13 ?


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