host ap and kernel 2.4.25-epia1

Davide louigi600
Thu Mar 25 06:09:25 PST 2004

I intend to use host ap on a via epia MII6000
MotherBoard with a netgear MA311 wireless NIC.
In order to make use of some features of this
MotherBoard I'll need to use kernel 2.4.25 with epia
patches (since version 2.4.24 seems to have trouble
with the epia patches or vice versa).

The I see that there is a patch ready for kernel
2.4.24 in hostap-driver-0.2.0/kernel-patches
can this be appied to 2.4.25 and still work correctly

Can this also be applied to kernel 2.5.25-epia1 ?


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