DWL 520 E1 (the continuing saga)

cliffo at u.washington.edu cliffo
Wed Jan 28 16:07:52 PST 2004

First off, many thanks to Pavel and Andrew for their explanations of getting the E1 revision of this card to work.  I've been following this lengthy thread trying to get mine up and running...I'm 70% there.

I'm using the latest version from CVS (downloaded today) and using prism2_srec included in that update.  prism2_srec is failing on the second firmware update for the card and I'm perplexed as to my next step.

Here are the commands I ran followed by dmesg output:

[~]# modprobe hostap_pci
<snipped from dmesg>
Readback test succeeded, HCR 0x0f
wifi0: Intersil Prism2.5 PCI: mem=0xd4000000, irq=12
wifi0: registered netdevice wlan0

[~]# ./utils/prism2_srec -gs wlan0 ~cliff/firmware/pm010102.hex
<from dmesg> 
prism2_download: dl_cmd=4 start_addr=0x003f0000 num_areas=3
wifi0: test Genesis mode with HCR 0x0f
wifi0: Original COR value: 0x0
Readback test succeeded, HCR 0x0f
prism2_hw_init: initialized in 0 ms
wifi0: valid PDA not found
wifi0: NIC: id=0x8000 v0.0.1
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.2
Could not get RID for component STA
wifi0: Failed to read STA f/w version - only Primary f/w present

...and here is where I really have troubles...I verified that PRISM2_DOWNLOAD_SUPPORT is defined in driver/module/hostap_config.h

[~]# ./utils/prism2_srec -gp wlan0 ~cliff/firmware/pm010102.hex
<output from prism2_srec>
srec summary for pm010102.hex
Included file name: PM010102.HEX
Component: 0x0015 1.1.2 (primary firmware)

ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: No data available
STAID not available (maybe running PRI-only)
ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: No data available
ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]: No data available
Could not read wlan PDA. This requires PRISM2_DOWNLOAD_SUPPORT definition in

<from dmesg>
Could not get RID for component STA
wifi0: Failed to read STA f/w version - only Primary f/w present

So that is where I'm at and not sure where to go next.  I've also tried ak10104.hex as someone suggested with no luck.  TIA for your feedback...


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