[802.1x]how to setup the hostap?

zhang yi bite_tea
Mon Mar 10 20:12:23 PST 2003

    I want to make 802.1X authentication with freeRADIUS, hostap and 
As this page says: http://www.missl.cs.umd.edu/wireless/eaptls/
    I tried to "replace the Cisco AP with host ap driver,hostap daemon,
and a Prism2 card".I used the "D-link DWL 520" card.
    Did I "load the prism2/2.5 AP driver" by insmod hostap.o 
,hostap_crypt.o and hostap_cs.o?And then I run Ethernet bridging with this 
card,and successfully connected the wireless LAN with the wired LAN.
    But when I input "./hostapd wlan0" or "./hostapd -xm wlan0",it kept 
telling me:

ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX):No such device
ioctl[SIOCGIFFLAGS]:No such device
    What shall I do?Or anyone has ever successfully finished the same 
job,please give me your advice.

btw: Is it possible to use the same desktop as hostap and radius server?

Best regards.

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