Tx rate problem

Jouni Malinen jkmaline
Sun Jun 8 18:21:17 PDT 2003

On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 07:20:36PM -0400, victor wrote:

> We checked the current transmission rate is 11M (rid 0xfd44=8), but
> Actual data rate is 1M.  It means physical layer
> Transmit at 2M.  
> We configured every thing at 11M, but why still 2M?

Which mode (Master / Managed) did you use? I would not trust RID FD44
result at least in Master mode. How did you configure everything at 11
Mbps (i.e., which commands did you use)? Which station firmware version
are you using?

How did you measure which rate was used? Can you use an additional
sniffer to verify the real rate?

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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