Config file for hostap_pci??

Bruce bestb
Sat Oct 19 15:54:00 PDT 2002

I have recently installed the hostap driver for a couple of machines, after 
having some trouble with the wlan-ng drivers.

These are client machines, so I am not using the hostap function; just using 
them for general client usage. The clients are connecting to an AP, from 
which they get their IP via DHCP. 

I managed to figure out (though not without some head scratching - is this 
documented??) that in order to set up a client, I would have to edit the 
/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts file to expressly set "ESSID="any" (or "myap")", 
and "MODE="managed"". Prior to this, the interface could be brought up but I 
could not get an IP from the DHCP server. Works great now for pcmcia wireless 
card clients.

I also have a desktop with a native PCI prism2 card (the notorious D-Link 
DWL-520). As it does not use pcmcia (and there is therefore no 
/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts file), I am not sure where to make the above 
configuration changes. 

What is the equivalent to /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts for Prism 2.5 PCI wireless 



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